
And suddenly piracy is growing again and studios cant understand why... Plex+Sonarr = no bullshit

My wife threatened to divorce me over that - made a huuuuge batch of scampi then the next day made popcorn and used the butter. It was so good she made me swear to never make it again. So I made it again a week later. 

Cooked should be a red color, now some countries use different crawfish I know a Swedish family and they cook them where they dont look good and smell worse. I eat them all season we just came back from Kemah’s Crawfish Fest where I ate about 40lbs by myself, I admit I will have heartburn for a solid month but its

Damn, that story just makes me so sad. If I could no longer eat shellfish I would just kill myself - the world just wouldnt be worth living in anymore. Are there any that you can eat? We have a family friend who cant have shrimp, lobster or crawfish, but he can have some others... 

I have had a beard since 1996, I wash it daily, and I do it well but I am also over 30 by far now. I have kept it thru the idiocy of the millennial dirt beard, the manbun, and been called **shudders** a hipster because of it. Some people look REALLY great with a beard, others do not. Tom Selleck, Tom Hardy, or Sam

Now, speaking as someone who HAS family living in PR both before and after the Hurricane - MOST of the fucking problems in PR are due to the assholes running it. There were hospital ships in port that the government of PR refused to let the people know about - the US NAVY went ashore to spread the word themselves

I smoked maybe an ounce in my entire life - and no pain killers work on me. I have to take 3-5 times the dose. I tore my acl in highschool and the doctor was giving me high high doses in an iv drip while they waited for the MRI machine to open. Doctor could not understand why the pain wasnt easing up. I told him I

That is the shit that got the people so pissed off at politics, that we ended up with Trump. Democrats get off scot free on so many issues that they scream and cry and OMG about when a Republican is found to do them. The Democrats forget that there is more to the USA than the East and West coast, and it cost them big

Sous vide works better and it is funny as shit watching them try and get out of the bags.

The way my grandparents taught me (one from Mo and one from La) was boil 5 gallons of water add one bag sugar and 2 packs of tea (not tea bags PACKAGES) boil 20-30 minutes cool and serve over ice. We had a biiiig family... Oddly zero diabetes in 99% of the family the one we have married in and he is a Yankee. He also

Those arent raisins.... **shudder**

For an even more awesome drink mix 50/50 that nice sweet tea with a nice lemonade it cuts the tang of the lemonade just enough and I can drink it all day everyday. Alas I am allergic to mint so I avoid it at all costs. 

Whataburger is far superior shame it isnt nationwide. At 2am and I need to drive for miles, the HONEY BBQ CHICKEN STRIP SANDWICH is the shit. On toast or a bun and they have little stickers on it so you KNOW what you are getting without everyone unwrapping your food. AND they have that awesome spicy ketchup. https://ww

I thought it flat out sucked balls, but I was attacked immediately for saying that. I was WTF, it ISNT good. 

My god a fellow S&S dunker... Marry me! lol

I used to take the train from Santa Barbara to San Diego 10 times a year. What I liked was it was roughly a 6 hour train ride or an 8 hour drive, to fly I would have to drive to a major airport because Santa Barbara was a regional at the time. So that meant driving to Oxnard Ca, getting a puddle jumper to LAX, then

I am a combination of the two, I like that if I really screw up that I can just work my ass off in the game and get more points to get what I want. It doesnt feel like a colossal waste of time and effort when I know I can go back later and as I level add the skills that I should have gotten, but I dont want it super

I agree to a point. If the vice such as smoking can directly affect me, then I dont want it around me. For 99% of the rest of the vices I dont care, imbibe as YOU see fit. Your drinking this or eating that wont cause me direct harm like 2nd hand smoking does.

Now with these “studies” now, there is little scientific

For Jolly Ranchers - real fans have long ago taken this candy and deposited it in a cheap vodka making wonderfully flavored and brightly colored vodka. Watermellon, Green apple and Cherry are personal favorites and help punch up a mixed drink. 

I hacked the living shit out of PSO on the private servers after the main one died... You used to have to use a gameshark disk to access the private server then you could create new mags or weapons, then change your characters image... I still toss the disk in from time to time for offline play - dunno if the private