
I dont know what it is, but my wife occasionally does it. It is crystal clear and really slick like lube. It has zero smell and a slight sweet taste, while her urine after is still yellow and smells like urine. That leads us to think it cant be urine. 

I voted for him because I felt the alternative was worse. Hillary Clinton as a choice was so vile to me that I cant even begin to touch that topic. Nothing more to say about her. Trump is an asshole, but I think him being a president will shake up politics enough to just MAYBE wake up the people to see neither side is

I agree 100% every career politician is a crook - but from what I have seen with the Republican party that I am a loosely affiliated with - bell county young republicans - we get immediately labeled as racist it doesnt matter that the last leader was latino, or I am 1/2 Native American, or the other various races we

First game that pissed me off so much that I felt justified cheating. Game Genie!

Here is where it gets complicated - the same people who want the government to stay out of what they put in their own bodies are saying they want the government to control what is being FORCED into their bodies. You either want the government to stay out of what you do to your bodies or you dont.

I am pro-vaccine as

Ya will have to pass on that - cow tastes too good to give up. A nice rare ribeye on a summers night with a scotch in my hand is what makes life worth living. Put your feet up and enjoy a meal under the summer sky is relaxing. Most of my beef and pork comes from a farm less than 30 miles from my door, from pasture to

hmmm gray hulk time? There are plenty of hulk version out there to work with... 

It was the random snake bites that took me out as a kid. 

That was my 2nd game to rage quit. First was Duck Hunt - FUCK that dog, fuck him and his damn laughing...

I do it to avoid dealing the the 45 fucking minute wait times. They always do it on a busy as fuck road at times when people just want to get home. We also have caught the Temple PD putting dye on tires at the local clubs so they can tell who was there. I was pissed off, I rarely drink ever, and they put uv reactive

Correction it isnt a Captain America game it is Captain Marvel... 

I am Native American and my grandmother and great grandmother had the same problem. She was born when they were still taking the babies from the Natives to be raised by churches. They have “certificates of birth” with parents names spelled wrong, dob wrong, and sex on my great grandmothers said MALE. This was Montana,

The news report I read stated he was in a car that the driver was being arrested, and during the exchange they asked for his identification - when they ran it - they noticed his status. So that begs the question - So how can it be targeted if he wasnt the target of the original arrest?

Now to make things even murkier

Its a magical place

Who do you think bought Stark tower when he sold it to move “upstate”? 

It doesnt some people are just very anti religion so they make a fuss over anything that they can. I can take it or leave it. Just dont try to FORCE me to convert.

And that is perfectly fine, you make your own choices. For me, I didnt feel the firing was a good idea, but I support them making a choice THEY feel is right. I dont think Gunn is the awesome badass some think he is - he can make a fun movie, but G2 wasnt that good. It was more like a Bayfest movie, and that wasnt

we got baby Groot now we got mini Drax lol

Dude, that is sad... I had your issues once, then I said to hell with it and got this it is a bit pricy at $70ish but I live literally in the middle of nowhere Texas and I get almost 80 channels from Waco to Austin from zipcode 76513  ClearStream 2V Indoor/Outdoor HDTV Antenna with Mount - 60 Mile Range

Dude, that is sad... I had your issues once, then I said to hell with it and got this it is a bit pricy at $70ish

I dont blame him a bit. I am VERY claustrophobic and on a crowded elevator I will get out if too many people are in it. I had a childhood incident where I was stuck in a small place and to this day will lose my mind if forced in a small space. I cant even do MRI machines because of it.