
I am Native American and my grandmother and great grandmother had the same problem. She was born when they were still taking the babies from the Natives to be raised by churches. They have “certificates of birth” with parents names spelled wrong, dob wrong, and sex on my great grandmothers said MALE. This was Montana,

The news report I read stated he was in a car that the driver was being arrested, and during the exchange they asked for his identification - when they ran it - they noticed his status. So that begs the question - So how can it be targeted if he wasnt the target of the original arrest?

Now to make things even murkier

Dude, that is sad... I had your issues once, then I said to hell with it and got this it is a bit pricy at $70ish but I live literally in the middle of nowhere Texas and I get almost 80 channels from Waco to Austin from zipcode 76513  ClearStream 2V Indoor/Outdoor HDTV Antenna with Mount - 60 Mile Range

Dude, that is sad... I had your issues once, then I said to hell with it and got this it is a bit pricy at $70ish

I dont blame him a bit. I am VERY claustrophobic and on a crowded elevator I will get out if too many people are in it. I had a childhood incident where I was stuck in a small place and to this day will lose my mind if forced in a small space. I cant even do MRI machines because of it. 

Dont bother replying to the troll he is a douche go read his past replies to people. Thatstupidoffice4 is a fucking moron who clearly has never used a firearm, nor understands people have uses for them other than DERP KILL KIDS DERP. He called coral snakes, rattle snakes and cottonmouths mouse snakes. I keep rat

Weight, size, convenience... They can be unwieldy to handle in brush, or on a mower, or tractor, hard to unsling quickly when weedeating in the treeline and things like that. I own several hunting rifles, but this isnt Red Dead Redemption, they dont just pop into your hand from a shoulder sling and auto aim especially

Where do you live? Rural, semi-rural, town, city, bigger? What do you do when the average response time is over 20 minutes? What do you do when a dangerous animal is hurting your animals or family. Stop dial 911, watch your dog be gutted, then hope the local sheriff arrive soon enough to follow the animal to stop if

People like the author here, most certainly live in a city. Where I live the average response time for police (sheriff) to arrive to my door is 15-20 minutes on a good day and over an hour on a bad day. Meth heads love our area because Fort Hood/Killeen is a fucking joke of a place.

I also place a large amount of

This isnt entirely true. Most returns are setup thru an automated system only the ones flagged are checked by a person, then fewer of those are actually audited. So the vast majority of the tax system can go with a minimum staff just fine. 

This is a GAWKER site doesnt matter it was sold it kept the same mentality. -- If you are not immediately triggered by anything Trump, then you are a racist in their view. Doesnt matter if this was a group poking fun at a bunch of people who refuse to participate in their NATIONS anthem, because ANYONE

Dont waste your breath, being a Christian is the current whipping boy target these days. You can be ANY other faith and these guys will bend over backwards trying to say nice things, but a guy says he is Christian and has faith they suddenly attack. It is almost as if they are looking for a reason to be pissy... Life

Everyone is looking for a reason to be butthurt - look all over the internet. People are actively seeking things to be all pissed off about. It is almost like comparing penis size with how outraged you can be today. As a Republican, I could simply say my favorite color is Red, and the other side would then want to

And if you think that is all free I have 100,000 acres of beach front property to sell you in Kansas. 

Logged in 3 times, each time killed in under 45 seconds. Spawn camping sucks here. 

It would be next to impossible for them to say that and still look sincere when California’s Pelosi has said repeatedly that she supports California being a sanctuary state and has been pandering to the illegal immigrant supporters. 

As a REGISTERED Native American, the reason many of us are pissed about her claims is simple - we have worked hard for YEARS to be taken seriously as Natives, and this person comes in gets benefits that could have gone to a true Native and then jokes about it. My people have been fighting for the Federal Government to

You would have to think that the press is non-biased, when they are not. They are paid to get the most attention, so they accent the negative and create a larger divide within the country to sell their “news”. This is why so many are so tired of the political bullshit that is on every news website. Even pigsknuckle

When I was in the Military we had a shutdown they told us to get in front of it, contact each and every debt we owe as soon as you know there is a shutdown and every single one of us on base all had EVERY place we call waive fees and most times even the monthly payment. Rent varied but most places from our experiences

What do you do with a shit ton of gift cards from places you will NEVER shop at?