
Angela is a racist, she thinks all people everywhere hate black people. She ruthlessly judges people by their race which IS racism. Ironic no?

I would bet this would be KILLER as a frozen slush... But I am in Texas where it has already broken 100F and 98F tomorrow I want anything I can get frozen lol.

While I agree something needs to be done, I dont think his way, was the way to do it. The fans themselves should be standing up and shutting these fucks down. By him being an aggressive ass to a bigger ass, he gives them the voice they want and need. If we as the fans started an active campaign to shut these fucks

any air conditioner sales?

any air conditioner sales?

I use Alton Browns Rub:

As the Chairman would say, “Allez cuisine!”

A diner at the restaurant posted about it on social media this morning. They claimed the women said they were meeting people and asked to see if they were in there about 30 to 40 minutes after closing time, when they did NOT find their friends they were again asked to leave “dozens of times” from staff, including

Ok, so more story is out there now. Several diners said they knocked on the locked door. When staff answered they said they were meeting their party here. Staff said sorry we are closed, they said can we “LOOK” for our friends real quick. The current story from other diners is they walked the restaurant and did not

Exactly. Not lets make them blatantly homosexual because the studio didnt meet the quota.

So by that token do straight characters somehow now need to have their sexuality spelled out? The whole point is they should be treated equally, and by forcing it, they are demanding treatment that the “other” side doesnt. So by demanding equality, they get special treatment? I guess I dont understand why it has to be

Your opinion only matters when it is the same as hers. Dont you follow the Democratic codebook where a POC, LBGT, or anything else that is in vogue, their opinion only matters when it goes with their agenda.

Personally I dont give a shit about their sexuality, I read the comics from the 70's to the 2010's and it never

HEB a massive grocery chain in Texas, has a policy when I worked there in HS that tasting the produce was fine even encouraged, and that if you are asked about it and are unsure, that you should try it with the customer to determine if it was good, that way you BOTH learn from the experience. Odd fruit or expensive

Dont forget that some medications can make it harder for a guy to finish. I went thru a period when I had depression and took Prozac and my wife and I went at it for so long I got sore, and because already depressed and now cant orgasm nearly took me to the edge.

Broken seat is worse. By far.

I would soooo buy a baseball style mutant league baseball where you CAN kill the players.

I use a store brand body wash, $1.37 for a 24 ounce bottle. It has a light scent, gets me clean, no residue, and no soft nasty squishy bar that gets stepped on and causes the shower to be so slick it is dangerous as all hell. My wife uses a bar, that she puts in the soap tray that randomly falls in the night so when I

Personal responsibility is dead. It is not MY responsibility to worry about someone else’s potential allergies. I have family that have SEVERE allergic reactions to common items, my son for one, is allergic to the flu vaccine so I understand the severity. The problem is 99% of the population is aware of their own

If you do your own flavoring TO salt Kosher is better. It is easier to smoke, to add essence to and more. I use normal salt for boiling water flavoring or mixes that need dissolved salt, but topping on dishes or fine control I use flaked kosher salt. I prefer the texture. Either way do what YOU like best, because that

You should try the Zombies, Run! 5k Training app it is fun and keeps you motivated pretty well.  

I am almost 1/2 Native American, 1/2 scottish - I didnt give 2 shits that it was a “black” movie. I cared if the story and action were good. I have seen every Marvel movie so far, and most are pretty good. I was a fan of the original comics from when I was a kid, so I paid to see it, and it was great, it had humor,