
Trump vs Clinton was a shitstorm just from the two idiots running. Crook A vs Crook B. I already had 8 years of a Clinton and was not impressed. If she hadnt fucked with the process we may have had a diff choice in the DNC side. At least now a different type of crook is in office and we can say after it is done how

Or you can actually visit Bestbuy and get a 1080ti for msrp like I did yesterday. Online is always sold out or high as hell but if you go to local shops you can find many of the cards in stock and at a reasonable price. Bought my son a RX580 for $312 and my 1080ti for $750

Or you can actually visit Bestbuy and get a 1080ti for msrp like I did yesterday. Online is always sold out or high

Have you SO take this test “Mojo Upgrade is an interactive sex questionnaire for couples to help them discover the fantasies that they might both enjoy together.”

Just how durable do you think it will be in the long run? I cant see cardboard lasting long in the average household with children. Kids are messy, spill things and are not gentle, and this being something that can absorb liquids I am not too optimistic - what are your thoughts?

You vastly overestimate the DRNK’s missile accuracy. Last report I read stated that the degree of accuracy was highly questionable and that even the state of the art tracking system that the North Koreans have been using have a +/- 30 degree range so over a 1000 mile trip it could be as much as 300 miles off. 10k

It is all Trump’s fault right? /facepalm

How very short sighted, do you realize what these tax breaks do FOR local economies? For instance, in Temple Tx, they offered a hospital a 15 year tax break in return for a complete biomedical complex that at completion will employ 8-10k people full time, improve medical services for a 300 mile radius, increased hotel

3 roommates, so all bills, and rent are massively reduced, no child, are the MASSIVE 3 that reduce her costs where this is an easy achievement. Add in being single, no roommate and a kid and you cannot do it that way. It is disingenuous to make it seem like oh anyone can do it, when the reality of it is that she has

Showing interest is NEVER a bad thing. I ask both my teens when they get home, “How was your day?”. Somedays I get a full recap from both, sometimes a dirty look that answered my question, to an occasional thanks for asking. Showing you care enough to inquire is the key, they can tell if you dont give a rats ass. I am

I played the beta, and immediately cancelled my pre-order for it. Has it actually improved since? I really long for the days when we had an age requirement for some games so we could have games without pre-pubescent teens screeching like harpies in chat calling everyone fag.

I played the beta, and immediately cancelled my pre-order for it. Has it actually improved since? I really long for

The psp’s downfall was 30 fucking versions of it, the special memory stick, UMD’s and a huge mess of other crap that caused it to be a pain in the ass. I used mine mainly to play emulators of snes, genesis and nes and watch movies when traveling. I think there were 6 main models then all the variants, and one that

EXACTLY this, my wife works in a concrete box so she gets horrible signal so I glance at the tracker to see if she is still there. Saves me a ton of time sending texts hoping they get thru if I see unavailable I know she is in “the box” and go do my errand on my own. It isnt a trust thing, it is a fuck it I dont wanna

It might be prudent to warn that the lube you suggest is not condom friendly...

How about just staying off the fucking road if you are high at all. I see people go, I have a slight buzz I am ok to drive - no fuckwad you are not. I dont want my family killed because you were a .5 sec slow in your reaction time at the stop light. I dgaf if you get high, drunk or sniff glue, just dont do it then

This isnt entirely true. If you already have leave approved and validated than you are not required to work. My great uncle was an ATC for many years, and during the shutdown he had pre-planned leave approved 4 months previously for a 2 month long trip that started 2 days before the shutdown. From what I read it is no

Patrick, one thing you are neglecting to take into account is systems we are not talking about publically right now too. Then add in that if we do detect a missile launch we will mobilize EVERY fucking thing we have both tested and experimental and you can bet your ass that we wont just launch one counter measure at

see my other comment.

I have been buying them from a local feed store and Tractor Supply for 30+ years. It is the new bullshit, like the chinese produced bones that are caked with god knows what that are the issue. I have seen the “walmart” style bones shatter when dropped, lots of tiny sharp shards, it is the processing to stabilize it,

Last office I worked at we had a vote for average temperature. I voted 68 99% of the women were mid to high 70's and average man said 72. I found it a very democratic way to piss of almost 1/2 the office lol. I worked for Acer, but I was a working guy, I was always running for parts, or test equipment to diagnose

I make about $150 a month mining when I am not using my computer. My config will automatically start mining when I am idle for 5 minutes. Then when I start using my pc it auto stops. So I get zero slowdown due to mining, and still max amount of time when I am not using it. My pc is a gaming rig+plex server. I have a