
That is fine that you attend. Just like it is fine if I dont. It isnt that you dont enjoy it, for me it is I dont enjoy the hypocrisy, you have assholes who have not called, written, emailed, facebooked or telegraphed in 20 years coming and saying how close they were and how much they will miss them. Last funeral I

Let me cut to the chase, “When is it ok to blow off an event?” Any damn time you want to. You are not obligated to attend ANYTHING. For funerals, I cant stand the sorry bastards who hadnt called, written, emailed or even said hi on facebook in the last 10 years suddenly say how close they were. No, you fucking were

Billie Lourd her mother is Carrie Fisher that is why you got the hate from some ubergeeks.

That was my first guess too, I was hoping for so kind of cool cavern system that was M*A*S*S*I*V*E and had possible breakthru’s in other fields. Damned clickbait got me again.

That is my point many people confuse homeopathy with natural treatments, such as herbs, while homeopathy has no PROVEN medical benefit. Natural items can be remedies, but so many snakeoil hacks have everyone doubting everything. Old Great Grandma’s treatments worked the horrible things she concocted eased the fever,

What I see here as a major problem, is if this guy goes into sudden remission, the whole internet will go it WORKS!!! Then reckless behavior will take place because they cured him, regardless if it is a fluke that he seems to be better. There are zero oversight on this, so he could also never have had the virus,

The creator of this vaccine said she would NOT give it to her family. Plenty of cases of horrible side effects AND add in that this does not actually stop all the strains that cause cancer makes it an unnecessary risk. Oh, add in that 99% of people self cure in less than a year with zero problems.

Now if this stopped

I dont get the mentality today, if I break the law regardless of my color, I should be punished under the law. No one argues, suddenly you talk about people ILLEGALLY entering this country and they all want it to be ok. A van full of 20+ illegals plowed my mothers 85 Chevy cavalier in Escondido California, in I think

Have you SEEN him play? He isnt that good, now the NFL looks at how well you play vs how much of a pain in the ass you will be to the team. In this case he was NOT worth the effort. Then add his gf cant keep her mouth shut when he is in negotiations with the team she is talking shit about. They want a player to shut

Fedex and USPS are evil horrible services and in my opinion and experience services filled with thieves.

I was working outside building a shed on my property, Fedex drove up, looked at the house, did something on his computer then LEFT. He never got out of his vehicle. My text message said delivered, but my security

First, the ACA was piss poorly designed, it was a tax, isnt a tax, promised many things and delivered very few and those it did deliver it did so poorly. Next, we are REQUIRED to have care or we are penalized, which I found to be complete bullshit. Then the people scream but “MILLIONS WILL DIE” without this, yet they

They give enough information that allows us to ENJOY THE FUCKING MOVIES, that we dont need all the it happened on X date at X time. Who has the time to sit and take apart every single second of the movie? I am like you, I slap my money on the ticket counter and go enjoy the movie. I suspend disbelief as long as they

I have a “Tomboy” who grew up playing with boys. Boys treated her like shit when she wanted to do the things they wanted to do. They did not want to include her, they wanted to do “boy things” with other boys, I get it, I was a boy once. I remember not wanting to go fishing or camping with the neighbors little girls,

Try the Amtrak coastal route. I lived in Escondido, would drive to Oceanside, hit the train to Santa Barbara and relax in the dining car having a drink or two then get off and enjoy my weekend. Saves you hours of LA bullshit. Now I am in Texas sandwiched 45m from Waco to my north and 45m to Austin to my south. Far

It looks like 99% of them are the digital free comics for “free comic day” or are promos for the upcoming dc shitstorm.

It looks like 99% of them are the digital free comics for “free comic day” or are promos for the upcoming dc

Ok, 1st they are a bitch to use with any kind of accuracy, and if you mess up the flow, the shooting stops. 2nd they do not cock the gun, a semi-automatic firearm does this using the gas discharge of the round. 3rd, the operation still involves the trigger being depressed once per round. This device allows the

No one counts the Native Americans, the ONLY race to have a nationwide bounty on their scalps. A more effective genocide that the Nazi party couldnt even attain. Then add in the Trail of Tears, it makes a very painful memory of events for my people.

Shrimp is always overcooked nowadays how about a perfect scampi?

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” See that comma? That is what separates the militia from “the people”. People against that always bring the “militia” portion up and think the comma is just a pause, yet

I cant say I agree, my home has a large fireplace, but it is counterset about a foot back into the wall, then the mantle is 8 inches forward of the wall so my wall mounted tv is just about eye level when I am standing. The heat and smoke dont really ever touch the television. Our ceiling fan moves the heat that does