
Ok walk me through this one. If he isnt ill, not contagious, and doesnt get the flu himself anyway - how would he be contagious and spread it to those who are immunocompromised? From the WebMd website, it states to be contagious the germs have to be wet, so typically it is not spread from people not actively sick.

You are only contagious if you have someone’s contagious germs on you actively when you go to the gas station, grocery, and other places so you most likely will never spread the infection while you are not sick. So dont stress over the comments you received. The shot in you wont protect THEM from those germs anyway.

I read that study on future immunity, it is full of shit, the current studies show immunity from the shot is roughly 10 months.

For me and my children the answer is NEVER. Both my kids are allergic to it, and my son almost died because we were told a “new” shot would not give him a reaction. I feel like shit for days after the shot, for years I thought I was just “getting” the flu shot flu. Turns out that itself is an allergic reaction so fuck

When you give notice, you CAN have a local sheriff be there to verify you gave notice. Make sure it is dated and you have copies, also email it to him so he has multiple copies that you can verify arrived on a date, and the Sheriff can also verify the date in court if he doesnt leave. If you still love him and want

Shhhh you arent allowed to make sense on a Gawker Media site, you have to agree with every liberal regardless if it is actually factual. Never mind that the damn farming and housing booms did 95% of the damage over the last 60 some years. Never mind the fact that all this was discussed in the 80's and again in the

Heheheheee sit comfortably, how the ever loving fuck do you sit COMFORTABLY if you are human shaped in an airline seat? And if you require shit in the overhead bins you are a sucker. I have my shit in a bag that fits at worse under my seat. Normally a backpack, as soon as the seatbelt sign is off, I am up, bag slung

Part of the problem is people with no FUCKING clue on what to do are giving advice. For Houston’s example - they knew without a doubt 36 hours before that it would hit at least a portion of the city. Mayor says shelter in place while the Governor and disaster relief teams said GTFO while you can. So they listened to

I would love to see the NEXT film, not this one, start out with Ford as Indy telling a story to his grandkids - and it fades to the new actor, as the young Indy and it then starts a whole new generation, and new stories with a new young actor. Just dont fuck it up with some asshole with no skills. You need someone who

Also green, wet wood is better because it wont dry out and get brittle and break with the weight of the water, nor will it catch fire as easily if the flames shoot up too far from a fire tended to by a teen lol.

Hey you want to play classic, pick up Duck Hunt! for NES and try that. It is STILL the only game that ever made me throw a controller in anger - and that fucking laughing dog...

I agree with you for the most part, and with military service it helps them stay here. The main thing with DACA was, this was a way to make yourself legal, and give you a way to become a citizen forever by making you a legal DACA recipient you then had a valid way of applying for citizenship, programs and being a very

How did they get here? How did they function here? Apparently they are not morons or helpless fools. They are can (and HAVE) self deported by going back to their country of origin. I did similar when I was overseas, my Visa (work) was expiring so I got my ass a plane ticket back to the states. It isnt YOUR

and exactly how would that happen. Nothing I said was angry, bitter or inflammatory. It was simply facts that my rep and I both support oversight and someone approving people’s applications for a program like this. How is that so morally reprehensible to anyone? Oh, somehow you were triggered, it is ok, there is a

Thanks, mine already supports removing this program so I am good. My rep already said he would prefer a smaller more manageable program with oversight for those who apply and are accepted.

1/5 of the people making minimum wage work full time. Minimum Wage workers make up 1.2% of the nation’s adult population. Now 0.24% of the population is making minimum wage at a FULL time job. So roughly 99.76% of the nation is not affected by the minimum wage so why worry about raising something that really only has

I too prefer to keep them out of my room. My hotel stays are pretty much go to hotel jet lagged, bone tired, open door toss bag in closet, shower sleep. Get up, shower, go eat, go to where I am needed for my day, eat, go to hotel, sleep and repeat. I see zero reason to have staff in my room unless I am going to be

For YOU it is a trust issue, for our family I HATE having to stop, pull over, and then text a reply to where are you, where are you, can you stop at the store for X? This way they can look and go damn he is almost home too late to ask him to get something at the store.

Now we have a law against texting, and my texts

We use Life360 on my families phones, wife, both kids and myself. I tend to be the first person home, so I have an alert for when the wife leaves work which gives me a 20 minute notice of when she will be home - so I can start the grill and start dinner so it is hot when everyone gets home. Nothing sinister, or shady

Interesting take, for me, if the game allows you to do something in it, and you exploit that flaw you are legit. Take Day of Defeat, you can turn off several graphics options removing smoke from weapons, and that is legit. The game also allows you to reskin character models for either side. I make MY team appear with