
Or you could force the cocksuckers to follow the platform they “promised” to follow when you elected them. When they stop working FOR you, then they need to go. Too many career politicians double, triple and more dip, changing their ideals as soon as the election results are in. Other campaign on a certain position

Come on now, lets get real. There have been numerous studies from the 90's on up with plans stating how we would respond to an attack on our territories and allies by North Korea. What will happen is IF the crazy little bastard attacks us, our Ohio Class converted cruise missile subs will launch roughly 150 tomahawks

Dont forget the slick as snot baby fresh outta the bath. Almost dropped both my kids due to johnson and johnson’s soap lines. Both children thought it was a game and LOVED it, but my heart flopped like a wet fish. That being said my kids are 16 and 17 now and have had MANY clumsy moments from daughter volleyball

So your whole point is be an actual parent and be aware of what your child is doing... Gotcha, thought that was basic common sense, but yea I look at the assholes rioting and think maybe things I took for granted needs to be spelled out for this next generation. BTW, when did basic common sense go flying out the

Oddly enough, my best dishes come from a night of drinking then cooking... Just enough inhibition taken away to think hmmm wonder if pairing this with that would taste good. I liken it to how the cajuns looked at some animals and thought, hmmm wonder if that shit is delicious... I am looking at you crawfish! Looks

And it is gone.

And it is gone.

If you LOVED the original you will not like some of the major changes... Now if it didnt have the BSG name those people who feel that way would love it. I do like the new one, but some of the changes and pace turned me off.

After 2 major knee surgeries I will wear shorts anytime I possibly can. Now full disclosure I have worked as a General Manager for an IT firm, and I typically wore shorts 95% of the time. You can look professional, and sporty wearing the CORRECT shorts/shirts combination. We had company polo and dress shirts

We bought some that were delivered yesterday that CLAIMED in the ad to be certified “Solar Eclipse Glasses CE and ISO certified safe” until I googled the product code on the side - ZERO certification. It really sucks ass to see that even when you look for the proper certification to find out they arent actually

hmm how would you get the crust that makes bread awesome?

Yes, but for all that is holy, why a frozen premade tasteless piece of junk? Much better to have a good homemade one that you sous vide.

I have done pork loin many times and it it always tender and juicy - I normally finish it on the grill for roughly 5 minutes to get it just right.

Ex-Navy here, we DO NOT hate the Marines, we simply make fun of them at every chance encounter. We love the jarheads, they just tend to be over the top gung ho on everything. We tease then as they do us, now we as the Navy have the strongest dislike for the Airforce weenies lol oh and the dept of transportation

Share the recipe!

Ok, now as a kid cheese was never much on the table with my mother. We used chedder, provolone, swiss, mozzarella, cottage, cheese like substance called Velvetta lol, cream cheese, seasonal cheese logs and of course government cheese. Post childhood, I have had a others that are really common, like the waxed cheeses,

Exactly and currently you are treated like shit for agreeing with the other side on any view. I dont want government meddling in my love life, my hobbies, and my healthcare, this is just my opinion. Gay, Bi, Straight - sleep and marry whomever you wish, no skin off my nose, doesnt cause me harm in the slightest. Dont

Partially true, under the ACA, businesses with 50 or more full-time employees must offer health insurance or pay a $2,000 per employee penalty, the BCBS plans were terminated in many rural areas completely due to new funding regulations that ACA passed, which in turn was the cause of the BCBS plan requiring

It was also a state plan not a plan ever designed to be run nationwide. Even Romney understood that, with MA having 6million people, vs 400 million, and was funded mostly from the states own income vs taxing the entire nation. Even when Romney was proposing this, most Republicans were against it, look at the 2012

Fair enough, but the other side is saying, hey 99% was cheaper when there was nothing, why not go back to nothing and those plans and pricing will return. I know that isnt likely but that is the main arguement at the moment.

From a strict fact comparison from multiple family members both Democrat and Republican - My grandmother a democrat so hardcore she would vote for Hitler if he said he was a Democrat- I am in full support of the ACA because I can keep my own doctor, it will reduce my payments and I can get better care. Reality she