
What sucks about the system is if you are REALLY good at a game and get reported you get banned. It happened to me on Day of Defeat, using the kar98 you can 1 shot people consistantly if you are good and had your game setup for the game. I had a nice vid card and could see across a whole map so was easy to kill

I could not agree more, my wife and daughter suffer migraines so we went to the local tattoo shop to get the daith piercing done. Guy was rated one of the top 10 in Texas, was gentle and calm, and had them both laughing so hard my wife’s daith is just off center. Key note, make sure you see them take the needle from a

Here is a view from a person who has attended re-enactments as a stand in. That means I fight for whatever side is needing more people in uniform - You learn a lot of the history from the older gentlemen who have had ancestors fight in some of the battles. I participated in 6 now with 4 as a “Yankee” and twice as a

Yup wife dropped her glasses in Lake Belton yesterday lucky for us they landed on her foot if not they would be lost forever.

I knew a guy who went to jail for having consensual sex with a woman. Her boyfriend came in and she screamed help me, and he went to jail. He proved at trial she was a cheating, lying, dirty cheap ass whore that lied to save her relationship. He was saved when the people who were eating dinner with them relayed the

I dont understand the appeal, right now there is a lack of original games for the switch, so few, that people are playing old games on it exclusively. So why buy it now, until there is a reasonable library of games? Right now there are 2 or 3 “new” games on the switch I am interested in, so why buy it and then wait

Nancy Pelosi famously stated when questioned about the ACA’s contents, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it“

Hey at least we dont have to pass it to read it like the last one...

Wait until they hit mid 30's then go out with them after they have been drinking hard and enjoy the show. Make sure they have an event they HAVE to show up to first thing in the morning too. Even better if there is a lot of noise for the event too. Makes living worthwhile then lol.

Day drinking needs a set downtime, not necessarily a nap. We were at a wedding in May that started an open bar at 11am. 90% of the wedding was hammered hard by 1pm. The reception and meal was at a resort in Austin over looking the lake so everyone just stayed drinking until they closed the bar at the resort at 2am. I

Fry’s Electronics... They have EVERYTHING they have jewelry, a restaurant, appliances, computers, parts, video games, tvs, laptops, hard drives, cpus, gpus, and all kinds of nice toys and the one an hour from me has a metric fuckton of easily moved items. Ours has 2 trucks and like 8 vans inside too. It is like Best

Turns out it wasnt a hate crime it was a road rage incident. Either way fucking tragic that this happened.

No, I simply do not allow her to act up. The ladies let her run out the 25ft leash and a dog at the end of a tether is not under control. I give her a firm tug, tell her easy, and she behaves. Sometimes it takes a few firm pulls to get her attention since she is a high energy pup, but if I walk her all week alone she

It is all about the owners teaching the dog how to interact. If you allow the dog to control you, than you are being trained not the dog. My wife’s dog will whine at her when she stops petting him, so she has taught him to whine when he wants love. I explained she is teaching him a bad habit, and she argues he is

Or is Han and Leia’s second child. In the books they had twins iirc...

I have the Dark Knight and tried the Portal that is hawked here all the time and it fucking SUCKED. I have “Commercial” internet which is just short of gig internet (850). We have 4 networked televisions, a Plex server 4 cell phones, 3 tablets, 2 laptops and 2 desktops and a security system with 12 cameras and misc

I have the Dark Knight and tried the Portal that is hawked here all the time and it fucking SUCKED. I have

What no love for the Nvidia Shield K1 tablet it is fucking awesome.

The only problem I had with it, was simply, that he was being paid to play a game NOT to protest. If he wanted to protest he can do it on his time, not when my ticket is going to his salary. Plenty of other athletes are activist in causes I am not supportive of yet I am not naming them or calling them out, because

I agree mostly with the list, but there are no “feel good” shows on the list - like Eureka, W13, or similar shows. No love for Sg-1 either...

But it is easy to drop a few pounds. Let me start by saying I am 6'1 and was 300lbs. I have always been active, but due to accidents I broke my back twice limiting my mobility for 8 months while it healed. So no lake trips each weekend swimming, or hiking or any of the things I did on a typical summer with my family.