
I get it, but some people like me dont mourn someones death. They have moved on to greener pastures in my mind - dunno if there is an afterlife or we just cease. I do think that Einstein was right with the 1st law of thermodynamics so our energy has to go somewhere... Call it a soul or energy or whatever. I feel bad

I used a glob of expanding foam insulation under my gd-rom drive because it was moving from the mounts wearing out so far 3 years later seems fine, and stable.

Temple Tx sold out last night, wife was there at 7am willing to try it and they told her they couldnt make it they were out of 3 ingredients. In a town with not that many people and 3 starbucks... WTF people are they doing the Nintendo plan for supply and demand?

A week after my father died I received a message from a woman saying: “I am your fathers other lover and want to meet you and let you know I am having his baby...” So I had a WTF moment and called her back asking how long had she been sleeping with my dad. 30+ minutes into the conversation she said something that

I live in hurricane country, so I see a use for the shutters. Sometimes even just a bad storm pops up in Texas that was according to the news mild then goes apeshit strong. I click an app and shutters close stopping hail and debris from damaging windows.

but this is a gaming site where we must assume you have at least a basic understanding of how to do a google search for a how to guide lol

Some of the new pi cases look just like a snes or nes, and have a wireless controller so no wire running to the box, and can be mounted behind a tv. (like mine)

Depends on the rom too. I have seen dumps from other sources behave better then other sources too.

One thing a ton of people miss about Big Bang Theory, is simply they are self aware and are making jokes about themselves. One of the writers was talking about the fact when he was younger anytime he mentioned star trek or star wars people would peg him as that nerd immediately. He said with BBT he could make a joke

Why not just do an emulationstation build on raspberry pi? I have damn near everything emulated in it, with all the games I have in the storage all loaded with a wireless controller to play it on my 60inch tv. $30 for controller $35 for the pi $20 for microsd card, and $9 for a case for it. Then you have nes, snes,

Simply keep up with your shit. A Visa is very important, and is what allows you to stay here legally. Work Visa’s can be renewed easily and you CAN file for extensions even while unemployed. It takes the effort to WANT to be here. Many find it is easier to be illegal than file the paperwork and take the time to update

Amazing how agricultural towns such as Oxnard California - a MAJOR agricultural area, has a program that issues work visa’s for the workers. Making them LEGAL workers, for the many fields, such as the strawberries. It isnt hard to get a LEGAL work visa - many get them then let them expire making them THEN illegal

It doesnt matter, they are committing a crime by being here. If they have so little respect for this country to not abide by its laws then they need to go. I understand people being allowed to stay who have STARTED the process, but those who havent even started the paperwork would not have ever became legal anyway if

Remember this is STILL the staff from Gawker, who are still sensationalizing assholes just with new owners. When you purchase an airline ticket you are saying you are ok with their rules, which include tossing you out on your ass at anytime they like. They told him to vacate the plane - he refused. Airport police were

British reporting said 8 missed the airfield but hit buildings that were unused at the current airfield. I guess that means that the airfield closed part of it and we hit those instead of important targets.

As the defenses available from the reports from BBC state it is NOT state of the art Russian equipment, so an

This would go wonderfully in Texas. There is the I35 corridor already this could run the median, with towns large enough to use the tech far enough away to get real use. Dallas —>Waco—>Temple—>Austin—>San Antonio would really open up the commutes to the cities. Then do east west say Dallas to San Diego running I20 to

The Jungle Cruise at Disneyland was shut down last year to completely remodel it, it was one of the rides I was looking forward to going in along with the haunted mansion, which broke down right as we went in the door. After standing in 98F heat for 3 hours to get in.

I have yet to find a streaming solution that not only saves me money, but gives me the content I want to watch. For that reason alone I made a Plex server combined with Sonarr, that allows unlimited people streaming from my htpc to every television in my home, all our cell phones, tablets, pc’s and laptops.

I set

I would say it is lack of quality control, the ones that work work REALLY WELL. The ones that dont work are complete shit. Since they are new, and untested, and have quality issues they keep dropping the price. It is sad, the other one I set up works beautifully, and is fast, but too many are reviewed as shit because

I would say it is lack of quality control, the ones that work work REALLY WELL. The ones that dont work are complete

I bought it, and I had a vastly different experience. The damn thing sucked, it would drop connections requiring a complete reboot of the portal. The portal light was almost always red. I configured it originally with the webportal, then again latter with the android app, where I was surprised to see more options that

I bought it, and I had a vastly different experience. The damn thing sucked, it would drop connections requiring a