
Too little too late. You cant keep fucking the fans over repeatedly and expect us to come back. The basic idea is fantastic but look at the writers currently in the mix... I am have zero faith they can live up to the idea, they found a way to screw up even easy to write characters in the past. Hell the New 52 is only

Mine was it doesnt search for it, so it doesnt download it lol

Sonarr beats Sickrage, but not by much you may wanna give it a try. It is NZB+Torrent and fairly easy to setup.

Hmmm maybe time for a Hive 5? Hint hint! lol

Yes it is, they use the tvdb database only which doesnt list every show all the time and rarely sports. So it only shows things updated or approved by them. Some shows wont import because the database hasnt updated and approved the show. This makes it a pain in the ass. For instance Tanked, The Dead Files and several

How does this hold up against Sonarr? I have been using it for over 2 years now and love it but some of the discovery family of shows are difficult to find on nzb or torrent.

I will still buy bottle water, we recycle ours and get it from a local source. Tastes awesome, is reasonable in price, has nothing in it harmful, uses the new safe plastics and is easier to travel with. Our water from the tap is unsafe, got the letter from the water company stating it has over the amount of

A major part of the problem is the ride services ARE TAXIS in everything but name really. So it isnt unreasonable to have them held to the same standards. It doesnt matter if you hail them from an app or any other method. I have lived around the shithole known as Austin for almost 25 years, I have seen it get worse

These companies are taxi’s in everything but name. So they should be required to have the same safety requirements. I live outside Austin, and everyone I know were wondering why they were fighting so hard against fingerprinting. Even ultra liberal Austin said it was too much.

I only keep in contact with my mother because of MY children. She is an evil vile woman who hates my son, but lets my daughter walk on water. Now that they are teens, they see what I have told them about my childhood, and why we visit 2x a year tops despite being just 2 hours away. I use her as a teaching tool, I

Sued? How, there is zero protection for discrimination of a persons political party. He can drive by Hillary and Bernie supporters all day everyday and laugh his ass off. If it were based on her handicap, race, religion or sex he would be screwed. Personally I dont see how this is news, everyday people are assholes to

I think he means is the 4.5 backwards compatible with his games from the PS Family line...

That is fine, but last I flew thru LAX on 3/26 the fuckers had ZERO bins available for us backing up the line for almost 200 feet. The guy kept calling for bins and nothing happened. He called a supervisor to come and look for bins. Almost an hour wait in security line because TSA doesnt have its shit together is a

not anymore requires a patch.

As of 10pm Saturday the 9th of April they have made 682.9 million USD in box office sales. That is 2 weeks in where sales normally slow way down, for a film of this size and advertisments that is a poor BO especially when pretty much all of the Marvel films had surpassed that in the first 10 days of sales. Projections

Comeon man get with the times FLASH video, really? I was wondering why it wouldnt load, then it says FLASH plugin failed blablabla

I would love this on my tablet so I could play when on flights and when visiting inlaws...

Ok this is direct from our children’s doctors at Baylor Scott & White Children’s Clinics. Roughly 98% of people infected with the virus are cleared of it naturally within 2 years. So only 2% or less depending on the study have the virus long enough to get any problems from it. Research has found that about 90% of

Everytime I see Vernon Masters I wait for him to say Dumbass... Also when are they gonna name Frost Madame Masque already? lol