
Yup you can get one in Texas for about 85$ but .22 shells are still a bit hard to come by at the moment. I had to drive an hour away to Austin to find a store with them in stock. Now with the lead smelters in the usa closed it will be harder to get ammo.

a is fully capable of taking a deer down. I was taught to shoot deer with a .22 single shot rifle. It is all about making sure you take the time to aim properly and only shoot when you are sure of your target. It isnt my go to firearm by any means but it is capable of taking them in a single shot. My father

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Look but dont touch, touch but dont taste, taste but dont swallow... Pacino is a hell of an actor.

My kids have had 3 different flu shots and the 3 times they had them they were hospitalized with 104 degree fevers for 2-3 days. Yet each year the fucking doctor tells me they NEED the shot. Yea fucktard, gonna give my kids a massive deadly fever again this year just because you dont read their file and dont give a

I dont see a problem requiring an id to vote. You have to have id to work, to get welfare, to apply for food stamps, apply for unemployment, rent a house/buy a house, drive, get married, rent a hotel room, buy a cell phone, get a prescription, donate blood, hell even to get cough medicine at walmart gets you carded.

You were being an apologist for a persons stupid actions. Stars have never meant diddly to me, been here since before there were stars, will be here after this mess of a comment system is long gone, I just call it like I see it. "...No one deserves to be in a near-death wreck. I don't count trying to make an exit on

You are part of the problem. Stupidity should not be pitied or accepted. This person fucked up, she put herself and everyone on the road around her in danger. She choose that action, while I cant protect myself or my family from these acts of stupidity. If she killed YOUR family in this accident would you be so

So you are one of those douchebags that drive like a fucking moron on the highway are you? Most of us dont take needless risks with our lives and the lives of others on the road. You may find this behavior to be ok, but the rest of us on the highway just want to get home safely without having a fucktard risk the lives

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As a 9 year old, watching this in a drive-in was horrific... STILL wont watch these movies.

If it is sending rain/snow to the arctic circle isnt that a good thing? Rebuilding sea ice that reflects more heat away allowing more sea ice that then helps re-stabilize the weather? The last report on arctic sea ice showed it rebounding again.

So people in an industrialized city have no credit cards... Yup you know your shit. Moron. South Africa has normal cities just like in other countries, and the people arent all poor. Take a look at their cities compared to other nations and you will notice they have a fair education level, jobs and more but I guess

You do realize South Africa is an industrialized nation with the 2nd highest GDP in Africa and has a MASSIVE tourism trade... So credit cards are hardly rare in the country. It must be nice to assume that a nation in Africa is just a poverty stricken Ebola hole...

"humidity-resistant particle board" = saw dust waiting to happen.

I have worked with the "humidity-resistant particle board" before. It sucks it is resistant for a few months then sucks water right up and swells and starts falling apart. I hope they put a shit ton of sealer on that crap and invest in one hell of a roof to prevent ANY leakage or it will be a pile of sawdust in a few

Damn, I love you Alan, but couldnt you have posted this last week lool. Last week I ordered the MB and CPU for a new build, I am spending $200 a month looking to have it done around Christmas when my kids will be home for 2 weeks to play with the early gift. I have to say it has been a while since I had to buy a case

I would love to help too, but why not look for a better format for the commenting system... Such as a report post section or similar.

Last few episodes had him being the ultimate fighter+Taskmasters shield story match up a lot. Then with Fitz "sacrificing" himself but not seen will lead to Simmons hooking up with Trip causing Fitz to go to the darkside, and Ward will turn him.

I think they are turning Ward into the Taskmaster, and Fitz will leave with him to become The Fixer.

He is going to become Taskmaster taking Fitz with him to become the Fixer...

Ward will become Taskmaster and Fitz will become the Fixer... both bad guys they are making it too easy with the I love you then Simmons will end up with Trip and turn Fitz evil. Or at least that is my take on it all...