
Yea, I also mean Gamestop gives a free figure so does TRU but I hadnt seen the list of who is giving away the best shit. I dont have room in my game room for the display and all the extras. I have room for the portal and figures on the shelving unit we had custom built.

Any news on what the Xbox One may have? Or what the best pre-order bonuses are?

Navy launches the cruise missiles to let these beasts have a safer area to land. Then rapid response force hits the beach secures it and allows tanks and artillery to deploy.

It doesnt rely on speed, it relies on Navy cruise missiles destroying the targets on the beach allowing the Jarheads to land heavy equipment and vehicles. I also think this would be good for the Seabee's construction equipment rapid deployment in a forward area. Then they can get an airfield built to get everything in

The VAC crap it is far from perfect. It VAC banned my account for reports on a game I didnt own. Get that, I didnt own the game that got me vac banned. I contacted steam and they said sorry no appeal. It turned me off steam for a long time.

I went the other way. When I started college I decided to go ahead and get the best laptop I could afford so that I wouldnt have to upgrade in a year or 2. I bought the asus g73jh desktop replacement/gaming laptop in 2010 with a bd-rw. It is an i7 q720 it was a beast for the first 2 years then slowly it has become mid

I found that the friends I have with the Xbox One have never configured the Kinect beyond the quick setup when unboxing then they tell me how it is shit and then I go in and set it up and no problem. I think it is more people not taking the time to properly setup the damn thing. Then they bitch and whine about how bad

My voice commands work awesomely. No yelling, no missed commands... Say it once and it is doing its job well. I hear every country is having issues but mine is perfect just had to configure it and it worked fine since.

S'ok you are one of my fave writers here so an occasional brain fart is ok with me lmao

My daily diet involves a glass of hot green tea mixed with oolong from a UK company, this is breakfast. Lunch is 12-14 carrots 1 apple and a dash of ginger juiced in my high end juicer, and a reasonable dinner.

Now I have done this most days for years, after the juice I simply FEEL better for hours. I cant say it is

Go with Tomato it is so much better then standard DD-WRT. It has better features on most routers, is updated far more often and has a HUGE support group available.


Drama draws the clicks


I hope so, I have three friends with a ps4 and one has had the failure. All 3 were from Amazon. He already sent his back but no idea when he will get a working ps4.

The only thing that I found suspicious about the low numbers that they are saying are affected is that 3 game sites had issues with the ps4 failing. You would think that a console sent to a review site would be PERFECT. So in my eyes, if 3 major sites had failures I suspect a higher failure rate is going to be coming

Remember too the Sam's Club Plus members get in the store hours earlier then the normal members so you have a greater chance at getting one that way. The store closest to me said they expect 30ish consoles saying the ps4 had 32...

Exactly, as it stands the ACA is a trainwreck. Currently they estimate my RURAL area will have roughly 8k more people seeking normal clinic care. In an area already saturated, it takes me almost 3 months to get in to the doctor for a normal appointment. My insurance has notified me that my average cost is now tripling

Oh dont get me wrong SOME are freaks and lunatics but that is by their choice. They enjoy the "attention" regardless of if it is positive and healthy or not. The hate portion wasnt directed to you, it was from someone else who commented about political party hatred that is now vanished. I just see how people in these