
The article says "Electrical charges possibly originating in the ship's combat systems apparently sparked the electrolysis." to me this means something was not properly shielded on installation. This increased the corrosion process. From what I understand from a friend who is stationed on the sister ship to the

COPPER foil is what the commenter suggested. You can build your own GPS jammer for much less I have seen the kits for $45 from *overseas* resellers.

and why are you even reading the materials provided when you have your mind set regardless of any answers you may receive? Nuclear power is still the safest power. For every person killed by nuclear power generation, 4,000 die due to coal, adjusted for the same amount of power produced. It's far easier to amplify

Peter Parker?

After falling asleep on a beach wearing a tan cotton shirt and having massive blisters form from the resulting sunburn, I learned all about what to wear for protection. I had an large beach umbrella but the damn sun moved so the shade moved... We need an umbrella that moves with the sun too - someone invent that

Cotton, plain woven, white SPF 4

Cotton is NOT a good clothing to wear to protect your skin, it has very little uv blocking ability, there are some cotton clothing that DO have embedded UV blockers. Also remember if wet it loses more of the ability it does have. Cotton only has a value of 4-6 for protection. Tightly knit fabrics and dark colors offer

I am the archivist for my entire family. We have about 20 people in the family and I store ALL of the photos on drives. I have taken several years to do a high res scan of each of the old photos and digitize them and old film (movies) into a few formats. I have invested in a bluray burner for storage. It is a shame it

Yea I am no better than a person who tortured and murdered a child. You sir are a troll.

She does NOT need help for an addiction, she needs to be tortured and beaten to death over the next 25 years. I hope the prisoners get told of her crime and the prison officials turn a blind eye to it. This is planned murder of a child, she looked at the child daily as she starved and CHOSE to ignore the child day

I use Convert X to DVD all you do is drag and drop then click convert and it does it all for me.

Show me the data that backs your claims.

Perfect shot - take it to the head

@darklighter: yea yea yea 90% of everything is crap, but lately it has been 99.99999997% crap. They keep vomiting up the same ideas in a different shell and expect it to work. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

@darklighter: I see his point, today if it doesn't have T&A and explosions all over the place it doesnt get made. Even Michael Bay's craptastic movies make money even though they suck ass. Science Fiction has gone to the Hollywood side with more fluff then substance. Cloverfield anyone? Then we remake classics to

@MinervaAlpaca: I never said a single thing about Sgu. I said that every single hit that has been on SyFy has been canned EXCEPT W13 and Eureka. The fans are starting to get fed up with being overlooked. This station was originally designed to be a heaven for all things scifi. Now it has Quantum Kitchen, WWE, and more

If Eureka and Warehouse 13 get canned, I can see someone burning down the SYFY offices... The people have spoken and SYFY has responded with a huge screw off to the fans... Every hit that has been on this station has been destroyed by crappy management. Time to restructure, bring in people who actually know what

How about they remove the SHITTY DRM so if this happens again we can actually PLAY games we BOUGHT... Just something to think about...

Meh give me a Gunstar from The Last Starfighter lol

Meh I want a Gunstar from the Last Starfighter