
So if you already bought the full version of Battlefront of BFV (whatever they may be), what does this new service add?

agreed. ‘appreciate the vid!

Ahh, good to know. The Bloomberg piece OP cited is vapid. Makes sense now.

I get it, it’s from a journal and known data...

Hey look!  It’s a Volvo 850! no - wait 740, uh...

Paints an interesting picture of how the experience of size is not exactly the same as actual map size. Also depth/ceiling factors in - that jump off the helipad in Damavand Peak felt so huge. It’s uncanny how some of the maps elicit specific memories.

I’m late to the party, but this was a sharp piece and I love the videos.

Don’t mind the skins if it would fund new maps, but you are spot on. BF elicits such frustration because I love so much about it, and yet it can’t quite stop tripping over itself.  I hope the dev cycle is longer for the next one.

Exactly. I won’t buy skins; hasn’t affected gameplay so I’m fine w/ it.

This is a good take.

Abba-Zabba. You owe it to yourself.

Also, responsible for more species extinction than any other, save humans.

I think it’s equivocally gorgeous, tbh.

He never did get a square deal from BBB.

That is a great pic!

Maybe it’s the wrong time for Volvo’s new XC90 MAX?

Fascinating discussion - can we imagine a different arrangements of power- brings a real human angle in.

Bikers for Trump? Racing to see if hip or heart seizes first. The cannibals wear smart suits and ties.  

Loosely translated it means, “F*** California and that foreign country Puerto Rico, too.”
