
Cool exercise! I like your theory about asymmetry -I’ve always chalked it up to looking off-balanced, like I kinesthetically anticipate the car slipping or tipping earlier on one side than the other, even though I can’t really know what the actual weight distribution is by looks alone.

By 2020 the hook will be your seat. 

The Illuminati are behind it.

Take your damn star.

The best part is when you buy a 911 and it knocks a Vantage down, too!

On a superficial level it is of course sound advice, but it ignores the scale, and therefore a larger financial problem. “If you want to visit Andromeda, you have to put one foot in front of the other every day.”

haha, I was interested in the 850 ‘cuz I had one. But an s60 from 2005+ would be an interesting comparison.

That is a striking video. So much for Volvo. I wonder what would happen had they choosen an 850 with its airbags.

Don’t think it was intentional, but still feel like the warriors, perhaps due to their size, or rep, are allowed to get into other player’s bodies more. They’re so slappy.

What’s the trick with those shims? I just tried to do a camper and couldn’t get the engine to run right. Took the heads off and a shop installed them and everything worked. They’re just different, I guess.

All Volvo 850 wipers eventually end up the same way.

So much this.. can’t tell if dude just really really loves wealthy people or likes measuring his tunnel.

Whaaaaaaaat!? Cancel dinner. My plans just changed.

I’ve always been impressed by the generosity of his engagement in the midst of vitriol.

I’ve never been able to make a lemon pasta that was any good. </engage Sysiphus mode/>

You are. On the inside. Condolences.

Each truck also comes with custom mount for the ugly stick it was beaten with at the shop.

He likes to travel.

Mr. Roark will invite you to sit on the fine Corinthian leather in those chariots of paradise.

Looks like a Saturn with a body kit inspired by an electric razor.