Impressed you could pull out the video and set to music so quickly!
Impressed you could pull out the video and set to music so quickly!
While yellow jackets can be nasty, the most dangerous wasp is the Trump voter.
In before “Psssh, that’s not offroad - it’s not vertical with rocks. And that’s not a Jeep, either”?
Squirtle, I choose you!
pro - small, efficient.
Starred for math.
I came here for this. I’ve always thought it a stunning looking car.
Wait, I don’t understand what he’s moving that wheel with.
I love this.
Right tool for right job; makes sense. One for hauling. One for off-roading. One for the campfire.
It might have gone faster but they couldn’t get a window up.
Rumor is they are trying to trade for Joel Embiid.
It’s clogged with inner tubes and jean shorts somewhere north of Hart park.
Folks, turn aside for a moment and pay your respects to a savage work of genius demanding more than a single star can offer.
That ad is mid-century perfect.
Has the Air Force has adopted Star Trek uniform conventions? I was nervous for that dude in the red belt the whole time.
Agreed, with one caviat:
That headline is terrifying.
So I’m curious about this - I have always soldered and never heard that splice connectors are better because of vibration. The joints that have failed on me, I assume, were just poor solder jobs. Maybe Ill just solder rings on everything and bolt them together now, then shrinkwrap, lol.