i cry a little every time I see this :’(
i cry a little every time I see this :’(
Damn strait, Grandpa knows what he is talking about, you quickly get fucked up on Saki. Since after the 3rd or 4th refill you stop noticing they are filling it up. Next thing you know you are on the balcony peeing 15 stories down onto a sidewalk that leads to a train station. Not that it ever happened to me.
My Grandpa’s opinion back in the day on the ‘flu’ statement [for full effect imagine an old man with a beard, a half naked lady sailor-type tattoo on his forearm, a pipe and a can of PBR]:
Your move, Kanye
I'm going to post this here and it may quite possibly be very unpopular and I have zero fucks to give in that case otherwise I wouldn't be posting it.
Maybe because you're projecting? Because teabaggers and their lunatic right-wing nonsense have nothing to do with the reality of how popular soccer is in the United States. Sure, soccer is the most popular sport in the world. And? How does that correlate to it being a major sport in the U.S.? Because a sport is…
MLS is not a major U.S. sport.
Doesn't God work in mysterious ways, everyone? In the face of such a tragedy, he's always there to remind us of the one fact that can hold us together, through thick and thin: that Wolf Blitzer is an oblivious fucking asshole.
Also: ESPN's parent company Disney is apparently asking all divisions to cut costs.
Shhh. Don't think so hard. We have a whole Thing we do here; check your logic at the door.
Imagine you have BRCA-1 and have like B cups. Doing the preventive procedure can lower your lifetime cancer risk, and get a compendium free augmentation at no extra charge. Double win.