
It’s just very lazy art. “oooh look, a penis!” Snore. Thumbs down.

Today’s Code 45*, not surprisingly to anyone who has been paying any sort of attention, is a bleak one. We have all heard more than enough of 45* and his band of drooling, geriatric Typhons bleating and gloating over their first legislative “win” with their let-those-shabby-fuckers-eat-cake tax “reform.” Far from

NO ONE comes off looking good in that story. She waxes poetic about his mundane movie taste, how awkward and unattractive he is, his awful performance, and most importantly, lies about her age- by omission of course, and so does he.

Well, he’s shouting again: three of today’s four Code 45*-eligible words are in ALL CAPS! The end times are approaching – fasten your seatbelts!

Nice one, Satan!

“The accusations from NPR are false GOD and only GOD knows the truth, nothing is the way they make it out to be. AMERICA will not survive this type of judge and jury fake news. Conservatives take a stand.”

Are they hand packed? Hand packed fudge is truly among the most treasured gifts one can give. Yule be up to your elbow with gratitude after this one!

CBS News: 36- 57

Iowa Rep. Steve King is still up to his racist, white supremacist shit. [Steve King/Twitter]

I had 2 abortions in 10 years, thanks to planned parenthood. And for the first time ever I won’t follow that up with my reasons as to why I had them. I needed them, desperately and I was shown respect, phenomenal emotional and physical support from the staff. I was able to leave with my dignity and my life, sadly that

The Code 45* crew are pondering what it takes to get banned from a fucking mall. Serial skateboarding offences in open defiance of the so-uncool-they’re-cool “No skating or grinding” signs? Multiple convictions for shoplifting? Getting into a fight with those assholes from Westcliffe cuz they’re all fucking stuck-up


Grassley is a vicious old fuck who is probably in the early stages of dementia, who has parlayed a lifetime on the public payroll into a neat little racket whereby he and his donors reap huge rewards—-billions with a b, not millions with an m——all the while screwing his voters out of the little bit of pocket change

His signature still looks like a Klan meeting to me.

Who knew cops were so easily... triggered?

The irony is that it doesn’t “punish” the individual who supposedly worked and invested. They are dead, the tax applies to the person’s family. Who may or may not have worked or invested.

Ah, of the Newport Shitfuckers?

I’m not sure Chuck understands how the economy works. When you spend money on booze, women, and movies, it tends to get spent again, often quickly, by people that have jobs in booze, women, and movies, then again, then again. This is actually good!

Now playing

This used to be satire. Now it’s actually the voice of the US Senate.

I am a rape victim. A victim of a violent stranger rape to be specific. In some ways, being a victim of sexual assault does infantilize you. You feel like a helpless woman-child for years after. You stop growing because you stop exploring the world. You stay home and watch TV and music videos. For 15 years now I am