she also said it's about oral hygiene, when actually it's about eating disorders....oh well Rachel gets a pass on anything
she also said it's about oral hygiene, when actually it's about eating disorders....oh well Rachel gets a pass on anything
Beyond the fact that this is an absurd "movement" based on fear and hate, and whining about people purposefully not wanting all games to be targeted to emotionally stunted white males, people are missing the obvious: Any supposed controversy that you end in -gate is moronic from the get go.
not eccentric enough!
tonight we're gonna party like it's 1989
"We should have a national discussion (not yelling match) on how both sides can reduce the number and still provide it as a last option to expecting mothers."
why are they printing "THE CLOUD" backwards?
whatsamatta cappybarra? don't you wanna play the bitey game? here it's easy let me show you how you play it...
Hi LeVar, how did you get involved in Reading Rainbow to begin with, and did you have any idea it would stick with people well into their adulthood?
butterfly in the sky
No, your honor, I don't know how the arsenic got in his food. I was dutifully trying to rebuild my marriage, and give my husband the support he needed in his rehabilitation, I just didn't expect arsenic to somehow randomly appear in his dinner. I'm as shocked as you are!
I wore an engagement ring, which was basically the first piece of jewelry I ever bothered to wear. It was fun, and special, and completely inexpensive since we just went to an antique store and bought each other cheap rings there. I wore it on my right hand to avoid confusion (and it fit better) but it served to…
The fact that he did not want to be responsible for the child during pregnancy undercuts any and all claims that she moved out of state to make it difficult for him to be in close proximity to her child. That seems to be the justification for the original Family Court ruling and that is why this case is so enraging. …
He's still a little wobbly
WHY does he say To-mah-to, but then po-tay-to? I am so confused!
do not confuse guilt with shame. I feel no guilt except for things I personally have done, but I feel so much shame over what other people, who represent me in a bad light, do repeatedly without forethought
no! not on the railroad tracks! never on the railroad tracks!
what people need to realize is that the "pro life" movement is AT WAR with us. I don't mean that figuratively either, because that is the way they see it. They have one goal and one goal only and that is to take this country back to pre-Roe v. Wade and they will do it however they can. They want to portray…
He also said the George Zimmerman trial resembled a lynching, so yeah he's pretty consistent in his saying things that are completely abhorrent to people with common sense