Rage of ManBearPig

I would say because internal Russian Politics, basically Putin needs to appear as a hardliner macho super soldier to keep locals in line.

How about Canada handling this one for once?

Was he zipping Machiato while driving?

You scared yet Kim?

well since they’re mostly fake, I dont really care

International prices of oil, gold and stock of military industries went up, so it wasn’t totally useless


These Eve battles seem so interesting, it makes me want to pick it up. Then I remember gamplay is closer to working on a spreadsheet and I give it a pass.

thats not a pickup its an UTE

Now playing

Well what else are you supposed to do with all the free guns you get

I’ll pay extra to have it a different color

Anyone else read that in Mr. Regular’s voice?

So, is he a mental now?

No story mode?

great? lets not get ahead of ourselves. She looks better.

Do you eat them afterwards?

Maybe try Aderall next time

but did V-tech kicked in yo?