Rage of ManBearPig

It seems you got fucked by the UPS guy

This is the problem when you “don’t wanna come back down from this cloud”


Why not take 4 blenders and use them to power each wheel?

ugg, portrait mode

Who cares about efficiency, I want my car to sound like that

Oh man, I can’t wait to see politicians dipping their hand in and compromising the project, turning the requisition process into a nightmare, ending with half the air frames at twice the cost 10 years late.

ok, just wanted to point out that besides the fact they were overtaking with double yellow lines, they weren’t wearing any kind of protection equipment. Gotta be safe out there people, lot of assholes like that.

No, stance is fucking stupid, it serves no purpose, its like the neon under light idiots from the early 2000’s

OMG I actually feel the need to stab the poster right on the pinwheel skeleton, or the Basilisk

So, what I take away from this is:

- Wait for the Slim version of a console
- Don’t have kids
- PC MASTER RACE!! I’ve played DOS games easier to setup, even when you had to manually detect your graphic and sound cards.

THIS IS NOT FUNNY!! If we keep making a joke about it, specially in the media, how is people supposed to take Mid 90’s Emo/Goth teenage dramas seriously? Let alone any other Tim Burton / Johnny Depp Collaborations. What is next? joking about sleepy Hollow on Fox news? I’ll be damned if Bill O’reily will just sit there

I’ve had 2 Fiats, a Punto and then a Bravo, which shares a lot of parts with the Abarth, reliability and running costs were horrible. I’ve heard the same about minies.

Reliability? can’t tell if sarcasm

I’m still trying to find time to go back and finish Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn.

Yeah, what if Aliens attack and use a EMP?

Every article you write I’m always wishing you keep the car, I’m glad to see you finally did.

Maybe they all sank immediately after leaving port

Oh look a GTR!

- Whats that? Is it behind that Lamborghini?

Not if it can easily be helped, as when buying a used car.