Machado About Nothing

How fantastic would it be for the Cavs to win GM 4 and blow a 3-1 lead?

It’s too bad he passed away only 5 seasons in to Seattle getting an NFL team

I see this entry making a win after coming from behind

Click bait post, Tom. “Boston crowd yells at black guy” is hardly news anymore

Hard to believe in the year 2017 someone thought a bare breast would stop an exchange between a pitcher and a catcher

Couldn’t it be sad the guy was bad to begin with? His brother leads a somewhat normal football life but something inside AH drove him to his fate. All loss is sad if you widen the spectrum enough.


He shoulda played golf. Football is too dangerous.

Minny resident here—the most I gathered was they were doing indy QB drills, he dropped back and either in the drop back or the plant, his knee dislocated and shredded everything.

The guy knows how to please a crowd.

A lot of people tie their self-esteem to non-financial metrics that involve a certain level of commitment—career work ethic, fitness achievements (body building, marathons, iron man events, cross fit, etc). None of those are inherently tied to capitalism. And this instance has nothing to do with money it’s about being

I would bet my mortgage he said something racial.

But if Sinbad was your secret service agent, well, I don’t have to tell you the hijinks that would ensue...

Purple. I’m a Vikings fan and even I would kick a purple car right out of the driveway.

Dammit I forgot the breadsticks!! Turn it around, we’re heading back to base camp...

“...and in their rush to replace a young gun with experience, failed to hire a coach that was willing to suck it up and play the nepotism game.”

So LaVarr has never seen a Duke team, huh?

I guess. Still a dick move

“You’re walking up to the place I used to work? It’s like he was laying in wait for me.”

True—and who knows how actively that email is being monitored. Either way, it just makes the rule that much crazier.