Wait, is Jello considered a solid?
Wait, is Jello considered a solid?
If it included preseason they’d have an extra 52 games, plus the two playoff games.
And neither can Drew, apparently.
That’d mean 14 playoff appearances, which translates to an average of 1+/season.
Legit question that I'm too lazy to look up—how does a team go 96-126? They're two games short of 14 seasons...
As much as I love watching Spieth play and the way he carries himself, I’m convinced it’s only a matter of time someone pulls the “He’s classy enough to be a Cardinals fan”
I've got to say that shows some major determination. Lets all take a minute this Monday morning and cheers this bull with our coffee. You'll get him eventually, buddy.
I think they're referencing the testimony that differs from the victim and obvious conflict of interest given the circumstances.
I’ll be hard pressed to believe any report that claims the French Police put up a fight.
In a vacuum, the worst was in ‘12 when Kaep ran wild. ‘13 WC vs. SF Shields and Neal bowed out first series with injuries, and it still came down to Bush blowing contain on that blitz for SF to win. Last year was frustrating, but it was an entire team collapse. Guys like Pep and Burnett should know not to knee with…
He still orchestrates and implements the offense and game plans. Clements just chooses from the menu, so to speak.
I’ve got it on very good authority McCarthy was more so told he would no longer be calling the plays.
The injury gods have claimed their first victim
^This guy...this guy gets it.
Looks like Deadspin has written a check Smith’s mouth can’t cash
Lloyd, Petey didn't even have a head!
Hey c’mon, Brandt is one of the former execs who offers insight and is part of good-Twitter.
Here’s the rundown: athlete does controversial thing, gets journalists into a tizzy, hot-taker slams athlete on Facebook, athlete’s family slams hot-taker’s body within an inch of his life, hot-taker dies.