Machado About Nothing

Explains those hockey riots in Vancouver a couple years back...

It was actually them sacrificing a Dodgers fan.

Sequel to U of Mich, prequel to the Oakland Raiders

I'll never understand how fans (of any sports team) will spend 365 days a year defending their club, arguing about how great their city is, and mock other fan bases will result to destroying their city moments after their team accomplishes their ultimate goal.

Peter would've made it a Haiku

Considering he's managed to endure the pain in his ass that is Jerry Jones his entire career, I'd list him as probable.

"Canseco's fiancee told the network that the gun went off when he was cleaning it at his home in Las Vegas"

"Wife and I went to a Fins-Cards game a couple of years ago."

It's actually a trap door similar to that of the Wayne Manor Mansion.

Private tutoring from a Kaplan expert to study for the test can cost you close to $5,000, an expense plenty of nutjob helicopter parents are happy to throw down.

Jerry Jones is a combination in the worst way of the guy who Shows up to his kids football practice/takes fantasy football WAY too seriously/thinks because of his Madden abilities knows more than his favorite team's HC

This is fake. Mike can't stay awake that long.

Allowing boosters to pay for a coach's housing is totally and specifically allowed under NCAA rules. (Allowing boosters to buy a player a hamburger is a violation.)

You can see Harvin pump fakes instead of throws the ball bc #37(?) was about to jump the pass

The worst part about this is LSU stormed the field. They've been in multiple, and won, National Championships in the past 15 years, and have been constantly relevant. Ole Miss has been their little brother the entire time (11-4 LSU over Ole Miss) but because they're No. 3 right now they thought it was justified.

3rd down, not 4th. Went from 3rd and 2 to 3rd and 7

In his defense, during drives for the first few years of his career he was often behind Mark Sanchez.

Also with the scheduling rotation if they continually win the division that means they play all three AFC Div winners each year.

Longest tenured head coach. Perennial playoff appearances. Longest active playoff appearance streak in the AFC.

"Sorry, kid. Come back after the season's over."