
Oddly enough, it happened with Superboy back in the 80s. 

Considering shelter in place began as a somewhat-novel upending of social expectations and is now dragging on as an interminably boring slog with no real end in sight, Kohan seems like the perfect showrunner for the job.

The Costellos are hot trash. Doug Matthews would be a nightmare to work with. There are so many low-rent assholes associated with this.

The one guy who owes 6 million in retribution pays $160 a month. That’s less than my student loans! #Merica

People die for no reason all the time. Why can’t fiction reflect that?

It was a limited series right up to the point where El Cuco made his little “Are there others like me? I’ve sometimes felt...” aside. That was basically the producers signalling “Yeah, we’ll be angling for a second season here.”


Like for comment/avatar... uh.. disergy.

Bug report: The “latest” link on this very page (and presumably, all non-home pages) is still pointing to the home page. Looks like it’s only correct on the home page itself.

Isn’t that what we commentarians basically do?

Superhero costumes almost never look good in on-set photos. 

This is the kind of movie you can reboot. The original wasn’t great, isn’t considered iconic and there’s lots of ideas here that the original squandered. 

They didn’t want people getting this film confused with The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.

Survived’ is a tricky word here.

It’s not a shocker that something from 1989 hasn’t aged great. It’s okay to think it wasn’t malicious and also think this is the right call.

Far from healthy? You must have a strange definition of healthy

Is it me, or is this basically indistinguishable from the 'Worst' list?

Your attempt to connect Trump to foodborne illnesses is tenuous at best.

The blurb up top makes it clear what happened. “The AV Club” is a collection of individuals. Some of them thought the film was pretty good, but enough of them really hated it that it made the list. And now the comment section is going to be dominated by 20-something white guys crying about it.

Spending the months leading up to Joker’s release anticipating how bad it will be and then putting it on the worst of the year list for not living down to your expectations is pretty much Peak 2019 AV Club.