
Photoshopped "depth of field"? Check. Black and white with color accents? Check. Vomit taste in my mouth? Check. There are lots of "good" ideas in these, but the problem isn't in the ideas but in the implementation. Don't know how to do it? Then don't. Leave it to folks who don't use photoshop elements, think that a

This would be a passable solution (much better than blocking multiple streams). This would solve my issues about 80% of the time.

This is ridiculous. I have..count them..1...2...3...4...5...6...7 devices in my house capable of streaming Netflix. Some of them are portable (iPhone, iPods, iPad) and some of them are parked (AppleTV, Wii, XBox 360). While I understand the desire to limit devices, limiting them to ONE device unless I upgrade to their

Thanks for the documentation - I'm not lazy, and I have read some of it (and plan to read it all). Yes, I want as much evidence as is available. Seven chapters is not even a whole book, and I've read much more before we ever began this discussion.

Unrestricted corporate money = a theocratic oligarchy? Color me confused. I'm having trouble relating the different sides of your argument. I completely agree that unrestricted funds would spell the end of true democracy though. And overturning Roe v Wade will never happen (although I'm pro life, so it wouldn't be a

Hyperbole much? A moral court actually puts us MORE in tune with the founding fathers' intentions, not less (and still light years from an elitist theocracy). That being said, there was an intended separation of church and state (which should definitely be upheld). I also agree that money should be removed from the

You're a moron. Here's hoping a hard drive like this falls in your lap so you can exploit it and reap your just desserts.

If they have a claim, they have a claim. That being said, there's no getting around the slimy feeling you get watching a company squash competition. Apple has an admittedly large reserve of cash. They don't need this money, and they don't need to drive competitors from the marketplace - they're already making a

No, no finders keepers. And what is the likelihood that they copied all of their time machine backups onto a different hard drive, instead of just giving him the wrong one? How can you make the claim that it's his? In addition, your analogy is fatally flawed anyway. It would be more apt to say that the body shop

Search Jason Chen's house. I hear he usually has a couple of those in a shoebox in his closet. I kid. Seriously though guys, again I hope you're trying to get in contact so that you can help this guy return it. The iPhone 4 was cool and all, but if you do it again it's going to cross the line.

CoM broke this a day ago. I've been waiting for you guys to offer to buy it, since you've proven your interest in this type of "journalism". Food for thought: you'd be guilty of accessory to a felony if you did. Larceny in Connecticut is defined thus:

Hoping it's a stopgap to appease pro users while they truly resurrect FCP. Do the right thing Apple!

You've come to your conclusion, and I've come to mine. We're both educated people. As I indicated before, I don't have the time in my day to continue this discussion further. I have no illusions that I am converting anyone, simply throwing out another idea for people to consider. Further questions? Google is your

As much as I want to cheer, I hesitate slightly. This seems to be much more what Anonymous used to be about: exposing corruption/controversy and only involving the guilty parties. Still, I hesitate to cheer out loud because there are most definitely innocents still involved, and that's not cool. But part of my inner

This is complete and utter nonsense. Netflix needs to find a way to get this done. Their library is dwindling and I am about 6 months away from just canceling outright. My money isn't going further and further, it's not going nearly as far as it used to.

If you can provide a legitimate reason why I should, I might. But I'm not a Brit, so probably not. I understand it's a regional thing, but I'm trying to fathom what happens in the UK that is so regular and specific that it mandates another english version of Gizmodo. Care to enlighten me?

Ooo! Ooo! Next, can we have a Gizmodo NP? Everyone knows that Santa and his elves are tech visionaries, and we need to get some localized coverage of their innovations! Seriously, when was the last time the UK did something truly notable in the tech world? Does it happen so regularly that they need their own Giz? No.