
Hey don't be putting down M.Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable. Sixth Sense was nothing more than a one-trick pony that over-shadowed Stir of Echoes, a much better film. ;-)

Thank you for this article. You've pretty much said everything I've been saying for a long time now. I was a pretty hardcore fanatic for a long time, but I stopped taking Star Wars seriously, years ago. I do remember when anything new Star Wars were few and far between. SW brought about a lot of cool stuff, and the

Between reading the headline and reading the article, the first thoughts that popped in my head were a stylus and a keyboard. It's a given that the OS's used and the hardware running them will evolve far enough to rival PC's (at the very least, laptops).

Oh my goodness. This changes everything for me.

Oh come on. We all know that Mint Chocolate Chip is the new vanilla.

It's not the exact same thing as a coupon. You get coupons for free, but you pay for Groupon. I don't understand the part about feeling forced to buy something though.

LMAO! I think he was actually sober by the end of the video.

Here's the thing though. I'm not looking to win the $540 Million. I'll settle for just 1! :-D

Unbelievable. Next thing you know, those same peeps will be spreading their filthy potty mouths all over the youTubez.

I think it's cool that an acclaimed movie director is actually interested in pursuing more than just what they're known for. Underwater exploration is obviously something he's passionate about, and I can only wish that there were more like him. Most directors wouldn't have given two shits after having a success like

This very same long arm of the law also made wearing seat belts a regulation. And that one not only saves lives, but it saved mine as well. Some regulations made by government are actually good calls.

I doubt headphones block out any more environmental sounds than your rolled up (for Air Conditioning) windows do.

Scenario: A cop accuses you of making a phone call. Says, you were talking and laughing and there's noone else in the car with you. You say, you were singing along to the music. The cop asks, "Really? You were laughing to Barry Mannilow? Here's your ticket."

Driving isn't a right in America, either... although many feel it is, unfortunately.

Fake news stories like...

Lesson learned from Nintendo: don't give a project a cool working name, or be willing to face a backlash when you give the actual product a less-cooler name. (Not that I ever had a problem with "Wii" but Revolution was much cooler!)

SHE's embarrassed? What about her poor son who has been eternalized on public TV labelled "Texter's Son"?!? That's got to be a form of child abuse right there.

I'm convinced that we will never find actual proof of UFO's until everyone on this planet owns a Super HD phone camera that is not capable of taking blurry videos, no matter the resolution.

I will say that I've been on the "Fuck Apple's Stupid Patent BS" bandwagon for a while now. However, in this case, I say Apple should win it. If Apple has yet another win as far as form-factor is concerned (even if it's a "modest" one), then they should be awarded for it. The article mentions that RIM, Moto, and Nokia

...and all they would really need to do is call you a terrorist and they'll have the right to detain you...