"Now onto more important topics. Can you please bullshit about space travel for a second?"
"Now onto more important topics. Can you please bullshit about space travel for a second?"
See, this is why the color they chose is so wrong for 2012:
If the Jetsons can have their flying car, then dammit so can I!
I haven't had very many problems with it recognizing my voice, and I have a slight Hawaiian accent going on. What I am starting to notice though is it seems to understand phrases better than individual words. It's almost as if it uses Google's captured search data to find matching combinations of words or something.
They're accessible right here at the link. Take a look at the Jim Henson one by clicking on his name: Sep 24, 2011
This is why we need flying cars, pronto.
I'm actually on the other end of the spectrum. I got my bank account hacked for about $1500. All of the transactions were listed as gas station transactions. There was no cash involved, all electronic transfers. Luckily, my bank reimbursed all of it, but it was disconcerting. I'm excited by the prospect of the…
I'm changing my middle name, so that I can sound more snooty whenever someone asks me for it.
Sponge Cake
I had one yesterday, and I believe it's the first ever since I bought my Nexus 1 two years ago!
These are all movies I either own, would buy, or just wouldn't care to see enough to download.
Inception is a great movie— just don't watch it if you're tired or fatigued because you'll pass out from using your remaining brain power trying to keep up.
Make It Bigger cream!
Isn't Qwikster no more?
I bought their first album. My thoughts? No one compromised. And I think, given the talent, it's actually a bad thing. You've got Satriani's guitars, Anthony's amazing bass, and Smith's solid drums all competing for the fore front while Sammy's vocals (which really should be the focus because well, he's the front man…
True. However, there's a difference between "being glamorous" and "being presentable". Steve Jobs was not a handsome dude, nor was he ugly. All he had to do to make himself presentable was to listen to an age-old design rule: if all else fails, use (or in this case, "wear") black.
I wasn't implying that if someone wants the iPod experience, then they should buy an iPhone. Rather, I'm saying that there's no reason to fund development on both iPhone and iPod when any innovations done to the (iPod portion of the) iPhone will inherently be applied to the iPod Touch, anyways.
I cannot believe they decided to do a pink and white bundle in Japan, but no Hello Kitty? Seems like that would've been the PERFECT combination!
Completely agree here. I've owned Apple products in the past (as well as presently, but it's mostly out of necessity in the field that I work). I've never felt for any other celebrity's passing the void that I felt when reading about his death.
Hopefully this goes well over in Japan— I'd love one of these: