
Some would argue that Amazon (along with eBay & porn) got the world used to the idea of eCommerce. That's pretty big.

Now if the writers of 24 knew about this, the series would have been called "5", as in 5 minutes.

"stop idolizing Steve Jobs"

In case you haven't found this info yet:

I think releasing an app for this to the rest of the Android market would still make sense for Amazon. There are a TON of other Android devices, and that's still a huge avenue for them to sell media to.

OMG, I need to get this game. Epic shit.


People have been saying Nintendo is doomed for decades now, ever since the Sega Genesis was launched ("with better graphics"). People said the same when the TurboGrafix16 was released. Still, people reiterated the same thing when the PS1, XBox, and PSP launched.

"I'm gonna leave tread marks in yo' face!"

Of course, you can't just tell yourself to not think about last night because as soon as you think "Last night", you've already thought about it! :P

Yay, modified, editted, and over-priced movie FTW!

Final Fantasy VII, yo!

Why did he HAVE to call it "Open Graph"? Now that it's a buzzword, it's going to be a MAJOR pain finding documentation for developing with the actual Open Graph protocol. FB's dev documentation was already horrible, now it's going to be a nightmare sifting through all the marketing articles just to get some decent

Not saying I'm not agreeing with ya, but uh, Animal Crossing is the one game that SHOULD be online, given the nature of the game. :P

*raises hand*

I honestly don't think Silverlight will go anywhere from here (there's too much overlap with Flash's capabilities, and I'm starting to see the shift to HTML 5, anyways). JavaScript has the staying power and looks like it has a brighter future, thanks to jQuery. Java will always be around, especially since it's used

I think it's more about how often Facebook keeps changing, and users are getting tired of adjusting how they use Facebook.

I actually think Google+ is going to get more traffic, as of today.

Why would you want to watch these streaming when you know it wouldn't be in HD (which is the point of these series), anyways?