
They never said they were looking to hold onto each and every one of them, just that they would expand the market. If even just 1 new customer out of every 10 were to start buying games/consoles regularly, then that's exactly what they've done.

"can't afford to make the same mistake twice" ?

Who says you have to bump? There's zero g's. You can SPIN! Woohoo!

Why not? I think the DS blew user interface issues out of the water by adding a second screen to the gaming experience. It's about time they brought it to the living room.

I would assume that for fast-paced games, devs would have the common sense to keep critical info onscreen, and keep non-essentials on the controllers. It's great that they would at least have a choice of how and where to display everything.

When I saw his photo on the sidebar I thought he was a toy doll or something.

Precedent works both ways. If this had continued to go on, every other company would then feel it's okay to do this. Now that it's been publicized and getting some attention, by precedence other companies will probably stay away from repeating this. At least that's how I'm seeing it.

You mean the one that came with the over-detailed non-paged user's manual? :P

If Apple can do this and get away with it, then by precedence so can everyone else...?

You can't really judge a person based on their actions during a emergency situation like this. People deal with situations like this differently. During 9/11, people were instinctually jumping out of the Tower windows...

In addition to the other replies, remember that these people had just endured one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded. So, there's a good chance that many of them were still gathering their nerves/trying to wait through any after shocks following.

When I changed out the casing on my Wii, I was surprised at how efficient they were in using the space within. There is now way they could've crammed anything in there without gutting it. Maybe they could have made the lights work, but that's about it.

We own the patent on innovating so there, give us your money.

Sure, there are lots of Americans who do not pay taxes. But hey, they go to jail or lose property if/when they get caught.

I think that sure, if they decide to not continue to cater to the masses as they did with Wii and as they are doing with the 3DS/DS, at the very least they will have given people a reason to try videogames to a certain extent. It's enough that if even 1 out of 10 of these potential new gamers got hooked into gaming

"The question for Nintendo should not be, 'how can we make Nintendo fans happier,' but 'how can we make EVERYONE a Nintendo fan?' "

"...aside from the limited selection of games..."

Good lord, man. How powerful is powerful enough? :P Damn, it's only more powerful than the PS3???

As a natural-born American, I'll just say this. I did NOT get my citizen-ship for free. I pay a third of every paycheck I receive twice a month. And so did every ancestor before me.

There was a time in my life when I was struggling to make an income (priorities were shot back then, I admit). Two guys in a white van (why is it always a white van?) told me they had $500 speakers and they'd sell it to me for $100 each. I fell for it, because really, I didn't care either way and I needed speakers. So