
@kaffenated: As a previous iPhone (gen1 & 3G) owner, who took the leap and bought a Nexus One, I'll just say that you won't regret jumping to an Android phone!

Is that music from Wii Sports or WiiFit? I think it's that stepping exercise music...?

Isn't this true for anything 3D? Or actually anything emitting light (like, say, TV's) for that matter? The theory being that childrens' eyes are not fully-developed until that age?

@ryusen: It worked didn't it?

@Dethzilla: I graduated high in college too!

@Mruqe: I dunno if Bejeweled Blitz would be as fun without it hooking up to Facebook, though. That mode is all about bragging rights...

Here's a really sad (or happy, depending on how you look at it) story:

Do they have an option to get paid wi-fi on a separate pipeline?

@devoidmeat: I think semi's are slightly larger, louder (beeping) and intimidating than SUV's, such that most people (including kids) see it backing up and get the eff out of the way when they do. They also don't gas it in reverse like I've seen some a-holes do in the Ralph's parking lot.

@devoidmeat: You should probably be using the rearview, as well...

This is awesome because now I can do this:

@Fofer: Worked fine for me in Safari 4.0.5

@NotSafeForLife: They only need one pair of dinosaurs to represent.

Am I missing something? Why the hate on Zynga? I've never played FarmVille. For shame, I'm sure

@Raso719: Weeeeeeee com in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill.

@somini: Return and sue them for information fraud.

@ME-4 12: I had Charter a few years back. They blow.

@LightMage210: The choke could possibly be coming from the source of the file serving. I would think that Steam's servers are set up to handle mass amounts of traffic. Many media companies may not have comparable resources to handle their load as efficiently.

I think he's the only guy (these days) who would look really cool with a cape. Possibly a pirate hat.