
I’ve never murdered anyone! ...except for that one time.

Wells said the officer “was mistaken when it came to the store’s policy prohibiting masks” and it was “the one error” made in the incident.

Sometimes I think the internet was invented so that white folks can say nigger without any consequence.   

Bye, son.


Selling out has nothing to do with being rich. The old Jay would remember that. 

Must be that ass cause it ain’t that face...

Sexuality and gender is not the same thing. Zaya is trans but we have zero information as to her sexual orientation.

Warren was not a perfect candidate, but she was the most competent candidate this year.

Fuck Jack Brewer.

When they’re all as dumb as stumps, how does a redneck choose?

That’s why he stands like that. He’s the Leaning Tower of Cheesa.

She never should have put herself in the position to be criticized. 

Pictured: Officer Strickland on the way into his jury trial.

I’m not sure how to feel when people get caught up in victim-less crimes. This was a fake police ad, so no sex workers were even at risk of being exploited. All Bynum and McCarthy wanted to do was have sex and smoke some weed, both of which wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow in other states.

I have my issues with Oprah but I’m sorry who did she drug, hold hostage, sexually assault or was accused of sexually assaulting? False equivalency , do better.

There was a great discussion to be had in the wake of the Lisa Leslie interview that was all shot to hell by Snoop’s horrible comments.

And this shit:

Nah. It’s not over and done with. It’s every bit a part of his legacy as his championships and his family. He did that and nobody else. Pretending it should just be erased and forgotten is harmful to survivors of rape.