
How else will you know where to buy drugs?

When you buy one, are you required to show d-bag ID? Oris one issued automatically upon purchase?

Pretty sure it was a woman driver, since you said it was a Boxster.


I got a visit from my IT dept. at work for trying to go to

This article reads incredibly condescending. Anybody who has been in R&D knows most projects fail and a lot of factors determine success and failure of a project.

Who got #2?

East St. Louis, amirite?!

The sticking point was, if Renault took Sainz, they also had to take Kvyatt. Palmer is a dog turd of a driver, but at least he doesn’t crash every week.

Formula E is still a thing? Now that’s dramatic

I’m with Jason on this one. MG-fun it

Can you make the CTR not look like an ugly Corolla?

That’s one ugly Corolla

Escort GT

If you like nose overhang, have we got some designs for you!

I instantly thought Grand Cherokee when I saw the front.. looks generic GM SUV b pillar back

Or you dripped sweat in to the testing vial

Racism is played out, sexism is where it’s at

I actually dropped a bike on a test ride. Rode a Buell from the HD dealership and got messed up doing a U turn - felt like a total dink

Not to mention, 9/10 of us wrecked or dropped our first bike.