What does that mean?
What does that mean?
Yes but Moira doesn't think they would figure out his ties with Thea
League is going after Merlyn and will likely kidnap Thea to get to him. So even if Sara is dead they are still viable..
Compared to the brother i don't think he is that crazy…
No he didn't come to fight he knew oliver is going to call up backup. He came to break the family apart…
I think Sara has to pay for her crimes/mistakes on way or another. Either have Oliver break up with her, lose Laurel or get killed off…
Diggle is basically surfing on the net playing video games like the shield dude in Avengers movie…
Last i checked Weiner was responsible for an any incident that cause deaths of many.
This was undercover op if they walk around suites won't that comprise the whole operation?
Not that straight forward if as mentioned by other posters if they customized their UI, i know people hate using my phone because my Android is Rooted and i have custom UI.
They can use mutants as long as it is not tied to X-men.
X-23 has healing factor.
Yea that is why Slade was pissed off at Blood for having to clean up his mess. Blood was sweating it thinking Laurel managed to get her hands on the record in spite of calling in the swat not realizing Slade had already taken it and left empty folder.
This show ratings will go thru the roof if that happens…
But but he was trained in the jungle…
Brother blood is actually bigger villain than Slade/DeathStroke in comics surprised he is just Slade's minion in the show. Unless he is waiting to stab him in the back…
No slade found out likely because he was following/watching Oliver and stole the contents before Laurel/Oliver hit the place. Which shows that he is better spy than Oliver….
May be is just trolling? Figured Queen isn't going to listen to him so why bother just gave him crap advice.
But power of heart makes you not drop them….
They are step siblings may be once oliver learns that he decides to..