
I am pretty any tech nerd would know that league armor is bulletproof…

I thought the actress who plays Sara already has another show on the plate..

It is established fact that TWD world is devoid of maggots or animals which would have devoured most zombies..

You didn't know Daryl is alternate reality Cigarette Smoking Man which was created as result of Scully and Mulder traveling back in the time to stop the X-files program and inadvertently causing zombie apocalypse.

Hong kong was considered to closest to pure capitalist government pre Chinese takeover.

Without mirakuru Slade isn't in the same league as Malcom or Oliver. Unless he gets a boost being in prison…

Watch the fight in Youtube. Oliver fights defensively and basically blocks almost every one of his hit and tries not to hurt Slade. The whole fight was his redemption after what happened in freighter this time he didn't want to kill him but cure him.

Diggle only digs white chics..

I was bit let down as well, i though they have gone with more of asian character to play that role with the whole hong kong flashback…

Watch the fight again, Oliver was winning the fight wasn't even breaking a sweat and was trying not to kill Slade the whole time.

Bring back the black Mayor!!

Why didn't he call remove the mask or call the police?

No offense but unless Laurel beefs up i can't imagine her as Canary..

I used to be an assassin then i took an arrow thru my chest..

Underdog story are always complelling to watch a good example is stargate which was fun in beginning when they had to go up against system lord armed with rifles. In the end it got boring as SG Command start running around with hundreds of squads and starships..

Hope they don't have having another gov agency compete with SHIELD is good subplot.

Keep in mind this is just digital image so it cannot fool infrared cameras.

They can call themselves Spy or super heroes but SHIELD stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement, and Logistic Div no where does it say Spy or Intelligence gathering. It is Home defense meets Interpol.

CIA was spy agency. SHIELD is more similar to interpol.

You don't have stick to novel case in point True Blood novel by Charlaine which is far far worse than the show.