Not relevant unless you happen to BE a flight attendant who has to constantly put up with whiny asshats
Not relevant unless you happen to BE a flight attendant who has to constantly put up with whiny asshats
You go, Zoe Saldana’s husband! That’s pretty goddamn cool.
Bitches be cray
Nope. But you know...White feminists gotta feminist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m going to copy my response to vnother user :
Yes, and this slobberfest around Schumer is going to keep on going. Not only are people who call her the greatest or just the best going to ignore her racist stand up, but they will also try to push any conversation around it to the background so they can keep raving about her.
Maybe in that skit, but not in her stand up. Her jokes are prefaced with the idea that they’re coming from this clueless white person, right - and she goes ahead & makes the joke - Blacks get better names, stop yelling; Latino men stop beating women, Latina women stop being so batshit crazy, Indians you stink - BUT…
My favourite comedy bit of hers is when she makes this joke about racist white girls by actually making a joke about how black people should get nicer names and stop yelling all the time and latino men should stop hitting women and latinas shouldn’t be so cray cray and how Indians should use some deodarant, although…
I think people of third gender from India have quite a distinctive history. I spent a little time in India, and you’re right, they are still heavily discriminated against and parents find it extremely, extremely hard to accept anything but a hetero orientation in their children. The difference though, I feel is, while…
I know Jezebel usually reports on sexual violence in India and all, but recently the country hit a milestone, making a transgender woman the Principal of a college, without even half the shitstorm it would have created in our country and a generally positive attitude from what I can gather. Isn’t it also the first…
I love his music I take everything he says with a pinch of salt, which is probably why I find the maniacal humour in it. He’s batshit insane, but he has a huge impact on pop culture, musically as well as otherwise. *kanye shrug*
I love him so much sometimes.
I’m pretty sure that person is George Bush, having a tantrum on the internet
George Bush, is that you?
Yo Einstein Pakistan is in the South, not the Middle East.
Yo Einstein Pakistan is in the South, not the Middle East.
They even let out the people who were responsible for the terrorist attacks in India in 2011 which killed around 300 people. Get your shit together Pakistan.
YOU don’t need to see how cruel the father was. It’s not about you. It’s about the child who killed herself after THIS video was posted. Remember when Jezebel provided the link to the nudes while decrying them last year and everybody was pissy - this is the same. That child probably killed herself because of this…
Oy, stupid : It exploits her death. The video of a girl being humiliated which probably lead to her death watched is no fucking way to honour her. I’m not saying that the video shouldn’t exist, just that for Jezebel with its claims of moral superiority should not post the video on their article because it only…
Not even the goriest minded of Kittens would stand for the gross exploitation of a 13 year old girl’s humiliation which probably led to her suicide. 13 year old girls are every Kitten’s best friend. You should know that.