Why the fuck would you provide the link to the video? Ugh.
Why the fuck would you provide the link to the video? Ugh.
Lunar Truthers will always be better than Color Blind I Only See The Human Race folks.
LOL even Lorde posted it & deleted it. Taygency’s gonna overtake Beygency one of these days.
Did you see End of Watch? This fella’s damn good at improv too - the entire movie is improvised! and Prisoners, jesus christ. Crazy good actor.
How’d YOU get banned?
God I love her so much. Eight years back she came into the same coffee shop I part-timed in & I burst into tears and hid myself.
That hurts my heart so much.
Man I’ve been really wanting to get these SO much for my pet labradoodle, also named Eva Braun. Thanks for the info!
I went to an all girls Catholic School too! Man, that was a shitshow and a half...anyway, we arrived at graduation with our hair dyed blue & gelled up in spikes. The principal was totally bristling as she gave us our diploma & we were taken aside by one of the nuns while everybody was gathering up for the class…
I really got into LOTR when I was around 11 & rewrote the entire thing with only girls. I’m really proud of it, even though it is probably some of the most atrocious thing put on paper.
Catherine Breillat. Or the lady who directed American Psycho for sure.
Sofia Coppola also is the meh-est. I watched Palo Alto the other day by her niece & was surprised that it was better than most everything Sofia Coppola did
The Little Mermaid is absolutely the saddest. My mother bought the book for me when I was younger & it made me cry so goddamn much. I read somewhere the other day that Alice Munro started writing as a young girl after reading the Little Mermaid, and being so upset at the ending that she had to rewrite a happier…
She is friends with all 3 of her women writers and she said how the professional scene creates barriers but I guess you wouldn’t know because you clearly didn’t bother to read what she said
Girl no shame. Half of us here are trying to figure out the same thing
I’m going to try that! Most of closest friends are having babies and raising them & I’ve been feeling so bereft lately. It’s so hard to make new friends when you’re older and I don’t know why this didn’t strike me before.
K hon
I see that you dismissed my replies...girl, that’s downright petty.
ain’t that the truth