Macabre Cadabra

I think we both know the conversation being had about Trump/Sanders is not the same being had on the subject of Hillary and that what you’re bringing up here is not what I’m referring to. My claim here is not that literally nobody talks about men’s fashion choices in politics, but it takes a lot of willful denial to

If that’s how you want to drag out the hyperbole instead of engaging with what I said on some other level than “this didn’t immediately agree with me, time to make the most cutting post I can possibly fathom in this moment”, that’s fine. It’s not like you would have acknowledged a post that was any smarter because

The light shifting off that dress is fucking ethereal.

Count me in on the trip off the planet. The juvenile view of politics is killing us.

Oh god, no! Not another person who suggests I ought to be more critical of myself and my ideas! QUITE LITERALLY AS BAD AS WANTING TO ELECTROCUTE THE GAY OUT OF PEOPLE.

I don’t trust anyone who is this assured that nothing they do or have done could possibly have been influenced by racism/sexism in any way. Anyone who writes it off as everyone else being sensitive isn’t nearly as enlightened as they think they are. Unsolicited advice from a stranger: Examine yourself more. I’m not

My favorite part about their arguments is the complete faith in third parties to enter office and not be faced with the exact same difficult decisions that either one of the current front-runners would and need to go back on some of their idealism. Do they think third parties would enter office and suddenly the

Great, .00003% of the population holds office for the GP. Keep on keeping on.

That’s fine, but it’s also built on the assumption that there are an overwhelming number of people who fall into that category who, if they could vote in those races, would indeed vote third party and do so in a high enough number that it would meet even the 10-15% standard. So far, the best you’ve got is “a hell of a

I wonder how many times in the past you’ve questioned a candidates “sartorial choices” when it was a suit and tie.

Yes, and they have nobody to blame but themselves for that – and also the nature of their demographics having historically low turnout (students, poor people who are disengaged/can’t take the time) compared to the GOP. They’re also not fighting an uphill battle for wider representation on a national level, so I’m not

You do realize someone that takes the time to complain how admittedly awful Hillary Clinton is and write out cogent reasons why she is so bad is someone most likely to vote all the time?

Advance third parties in down-ticket races. Showing up once every four years to crow about the political process is not enough. If you’re (general you) not active in down-ticket races, then it’s time to ask yourself what your actual motives are in complaining.

I don’t recall people as being particularly forgiving of Lindsay Lohan or Amanda Bynes, for that matter. I’m not sure this is the right example to drag out to make your point.

If Billy had been passive or responded ‘Shut the f— up’ to Trump, Billy would have been out of a job the next day

Dubya would obviously be a chocolate caramel pretzel cupcake that comes with a choking hazard.

I was actually under the impression that was still his main gig. It’s pretty much all I know him for.

If you’re not victim blaming, then I’m not sure what the point is of bringing up how awful you think she is.

You’re not a good person. Not even in a fun way.

Okay, but has this ever happened in the history of Kanye? Him just...cancelling a show because he’s bored? I genuinely don’t know, but I doubt it has. Correct me if I’m wrong here. I just know that people have this narrative that Kanye is this big, self-involved sack of shit, but people also exaggerate and make stuff