Macabre Cadabra

It was bleak as fuck, and I think another article I read said it best – it’s so hard to get justice not just as a woman in general, but by being a woman who is already looked at as damaged goods just by showing up to work as a porn actress. My heart goes out to all of these women and I hope they’re getting the

This is a great point. Your feelings are allowed to change about someone without needing to rewrite history – they SHOULD change about someone when you find that they’ve done something monstrous and it’s good to recognize that pretty people are capable of bad things. Monsters don’t exist - people do. I liked James

The BDSM community has a huge problem with abuse, so you’re not wrong to question it. I think for the worst of them, it exacerbates tendencies and shitty beliefs that men already have lurking (thanks, sexist society!) when they enter the BDSM community to begin with. What starts out as a low-level shitty belief that

What I hate most about this (aside from the fact that women were hurt by this shitbucket) is that the bullshit he’s spouting about women in porn is echoed by so many men who consume porn, themselves. I’ve been cringing so hard ever since the allegations came out because I already KNOW what all the misogynistic shits

My parents didn’t pay for anything in college; I worked a job on holidays and summers to pay for my textbooks and supplies for the next semester. My parents didn’t have the means to give those things to me.

You should probably halt your intellectual autofellating right there. “Haha, I saw one person on the internet make a comment I’ve seen made fun of before. THIS CARTOON WAS TOTALLY RIGHT ABOUT THE REAL AND OBJECTIVE WORLD WE LIVE IN! GENERALIZATIONS ARE FACT!” is not the kind of thing you want to let on that you

8/8 nice b8 m8

What makes rape fantasies (or simulated non-consent, whatever you want to call it) different than actual rape is that the recipient gets to set the boundaries in advance. The point is that although it’s “forced”, nothing ever happens to him/her that they don’t want to happen, and there is always a way to pull the plug

We have reached peak whiteness with this one. :|

This doucherocket has enough drama in these statements to write an actually-terrifying movie of his own.

What the fuck happened to this site and when did this sort of content start getting greenlit? Is this what you dreamed of when you decided to become a journalist?

Definitely not digging the smarmy pissrag tone of this article on the same site who hosts (hosted?) Caitlin Doughty videos on mourning rituals and the importance of being able to express grief in a number of ways. What a remarkably unimpressive post this is.

I listened to an interesting NPR segment about her start with AT&T and the gender politics of the time within the company. I thought it was fascinating and decided to take a look at her political views. It’s sad that humanizing journalism dies the minute you come back to the present reality.

The level of medical care they are required to know (AFAIK, I could be wrong) seems to differ from place to place, even within states. A lot of searching I’ve done shows many only need to maintain a current CPR certification.

I think skepticism is always warranted, but also bear in mind that if they HAD called for medical help “right away”, ambulances still needed time to actually get there. We don’t know how long he was laying there, but I’m definitely keeping an eye on the story.

Maybe we could not drag whether or not they’re autistic into the overall assessment of their douchery. Being autistic isn’t really synonymous with being an asshole the same way being OCD isn’t synonymous with liking your things organized.

Blech. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth and reeks of one of the tens of thousands of “kids these days” articles going around about Millennials that have been written about every generation before now since the dawn of time.

We also need to examine the baby and ask it what it was wearing on the day it got eaten. Was it leading him to believe it was okay to eat it?

You must be an Olympic-level mental gymnast for the way you just took a post in which the very first line states "I agree with pretty much everything here" and did a triple backflip off the vault and landed on "you're a corporate whore". The level of bending over backwards you had to do for that is simply

For the ten thousandth time, the court ruled that corporations are entitled to certain rights and responsibilities of people, not that they literally are. If you seriously can't tell the difference, please excuse yourself from this discussion until you reach the age of 16 or 17.