
The most shocking part of this whole thing is that if you get kicked out of Levi Stadium you have to take a FOUR HOUR online class that cost $250! That’s the most asinine policy I’ve ever heard. And I work for the government, so I've seen a lot of asinine policies.

The only thing worse than my mother raising me as a Cincinnati Bengals fan from birth is that my father instilled in me an equal love for the Washington Redskins. Who does that to an innocent and happy child? Good parenting decision that was; setting your kid up for a lifetime of double disappointment.

That play house is substantially nicer than my $800/month apartment. I wonder if Riley would consider subletting to a broke post-grad?

Honestly, reading those text just make me kinda sad. As a college student myself I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be trying to juggle being a student athlete, a full time student, and worrying that my mom’s utilities stayed on.

Greg hardly seems like one to take the time to peel back all the layers of an onion. He seems much more like a fellow who would just use a knife and cut that onion right in half.

I live in Cincinnati, and despite the very little effort I put into lawn maintenance, I'm current looking outside at a pretty green lawn for January. All my neighbor's lawns are also more or less, actually not how all grass grows in Cinci.

That’s insulting to the Autism community. Let’s make fun of Chip Kelly and let’s call him a potato head, but there is no need to insult those with Autism. (By the way, Autism is a developmental disability that has no identifiable facial characteristic. You wouldn’t be able to pick someone with Autism out of a lineup

...because coming down with a stomach bug for a few days is basically the same thing as living with HIV for the rest of your life?

Say what you want about Skyline, because the real genius isn’t in the particular restaurant, it’s in the “Cincinnati-style chili.” Chili over spaghetti noodles is awesome.

Um... You can’t “pull the plug” on a man who is conscious. For one, there is no longer any “plug to pull” since he is off life support. And second, did I mention how he is conscious?!

Actually most college freshman take some form of Political Science 101 regardless of their major. And, at my University at least, the Constitution is a pretty central topic of any POL 101 course.

If you have a Twitter account, that is generally a better source for signs from the broadcast because you have people uploading them as they see them on campus. So you can actually read them. And you are getting signs from a wide range of sources, as on Twitter, everyone becomes a type of “eye witness/photo

I’m an Ohio State alum, so I don’t give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, YET EVEN I think that was some pretty messed up bullshit.!

I always wondered why drug commercials on TV say things such as “do not try ‘medication x’ if you are allergic to ‘medication x.’” I could understand if the warning was “do not try ‘medication x’ if you are allergic to ‘medication y’ because they have the same active ingredient” or something along those lines. I guess