Good article. I feel like this isn’t an issue if everyone bows, though. Everyone just nods their head and that’s that.
Good article. I feel like this isn’t an issue if everyone bows, though. Everyone just nods their head and that’s that.
Supreme Court already ruled it doesn’t matter if you’re illegal or not, you’re entitled to your constitutional rights. Anyone who steps foot in the country has the right for due process.
Just a sidestory about how emphasizing ability over effort affects perceptions later in life.
Ok, I disagree with your approach towards parenting but those are your kids, not mine, and it’s not my place to tell you how to raise them. I don’t disagree that some kids can pickup things faster than others, I just disagree with telling my kids they are special.
You should also include things into your list of consideration such as:
See my post where everyone in the US is entitled to due process regardless of immigration status and how the Supreme Court has already ruled in favour of such protections. Illegal, legal, and native born citizens do not have to identify themselves if they are not being detained and are not in a car.
I think “most” is a lot different from “do not have any”.
Nope. Every person in the US regardless of nationality and legal status is entitled to most of their constitutional rights which includes due process.The Supreme Court has ruled about this multiple times. It’s just that those rights get watered down for immigration court proceedings.
So is arresting someone in a manner that violates their civil rights. The difference is, one person goes to jail/gets shot and the other person continues getting paid
You mean the article actively promotes the use of rights that citizens have and are entitled to
The OP is questioning the assumption that there are “no gifted children”. My problem is the underlying assumption that just because someone is good at something it suddenly makes them “special”. I often see parents in the US overpraising or emphasizing to their child that they are “special” or “unique”. I agree with…
And no one in the top 1% got to where they were because they decided they could cruise through life. Two people who work equally hard dont always end up with the same results but it doesn’t mean that they got to where they were without putting in some effort.
Those people also got to where they are because they had to work to get there. It’s not like Michael Phelps joined the Olympics and hopped into the pool without training for years before then. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t make you special, no “genius” has ever gotten to where they are by slacking off
Idk if this would work for other people, but my method of dealing with spending too much time on Facebook was to gradually limit my time I spend on it.
I’d start out with checking it only twice a day for 30 minutes each time. When I get comfortable with that and feel fine only checking it twice a day, I set a new goal:…
Oh, what? You could have said char siu haha. There are Chinese BBQ places as in you literally get to barbecue stuff just like you would in a korean BBQ by putting meat on a grill. There are some good places in Boston and NY for that.
I haven’t been to Dallas so I can’t really say whether that’s a good trick or not, but most Chinese restaurants I know of don’t offer BBQ. Then again, that’s the northeast so things might be different
Ah yes, omurice haha
If I’m not strapped for time, I usually like to go on forums about people talking about their own city to see what restaurants they really like or recommend. Getting recommendations from people who actually live and spread through word-of-mouth usually nets me better results because stuff on Yelp can get overhyped by…
I’ve heard The Daily Catch in both Cambridge and the North End is also a really good seafood restaurant. I haven’t been but friends always rave about it so might be good to check it out.
Uhhh no. That place is overpriced fake Asian food, many of their food items aren’t even Chinese. Their hot pot is decent but overpriced.