“I’d didn’t put up with this orange shitshow for nothing dammit”, he added
“I’d didn’t put up with this orange shitshow for nothing dammit”, he added
I loved J.K. Rowling’s takedown of Trump’s weekend tweets.
“evil politics”?
While it is too early to pop the cork on a celebratory bottle of champagne, or put a bottle on ice to chill, it is time to make sure I have one on hand for later.
Nixon had the Sunday Massacre, maybe Trump will have Eight Crazy Nights.
The orange tumor isn’t even trying to hide anything, so today’s Code 45* is presented without superfluous commentary:
Bob Mueller irl
Let’s have an Indictment Advent Calendar. Every few days, we get to open a wonderful treat from Mueller Claus.
“....Also, there is NO COLLUSION”
Donny, bubbie, you’re the fucking President. You’re the one you are yelling at to “DO SOMETHING”. Sooooo, DO SOMETHING, or shut the fuck up.
The closet to the truth Mueller gets, the more he cries about Hillary.
Why would we want to celebrate Indictment Day? It’s like celebrating the first of the month, BECAUSE THERE HAD BETTER BE MORE OF THESE COMING.
Ah! My brain is not fully switched on today.
“Due to anti-abortion legislators, Texas has seen steep cuts in programs that offer women’s healthcare, and has the largest percentage of uninsured women of any state in the country. “In an ideal world, a woman would have the opportunity to have a visit with a physician before she becomes pregnant to identify any…
In an ideal world, a woman would have the opportunity to have a visit with a physician before she becomes pregnant to identify any potential risk factors before she gets pregnant,” said Dr. Lisa Hollier, an OB/GYN who heads the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Task Force.
Globally, maternal mortality rates have been declining over the past several years. In America, however, the…
It’s like the cops in Vancouver don’t understand the First Amendment.
I’m not up in these rafters for my health.