Ma Buddichez

It’ll be fine. Once those pesky regulations are out of the way, the free market can finally take over and coal will be king again!

Here’s a pretty good article on the current plans to prop up the coal industry

“Only sixteen-o death-os? That’s pretty good-o when you compare-o it to a real catastroph-o (you like that one? Pretty good huh?) like Katrina”

There’s dance floors where ‘rolling the dice’ isn’t appropriate!?!

So, assuming he could even do that and it wouldn’t just be the federal government paying the debt off, bootstrapping, personal responsibility Conservatives are gonna be vociferously against this, Right? Riiigghhhttt?

I’ll start with the low end:

It’s less about the money, and more about the fervent and extremely active voter base. NRA members vote every election, and the vote how the NRA tells them to.

I’ve started thinking it would be novel if they started passing laws similar to TRAP laws. Force potential buyers to watch lengthy videos of gun violence aftermath. Require sellers to make knowingly false statement before a sale can go through, “I’m require by law to tell you that studies have shown a correlation

What the fucking fuck?

What is wrong with you that enchiladas are lasting three nights in your fridge?

This doesn’t work in the business world, at least not in the high level part which Donny purports himself to be a part of. This is how you push inventory off of your used car lot, or sign people up for your pyramid scheme, i.e. grift.

Cooperate with ‘leftists’*

Probably not. Even assuming you could convince whatever body is responsible for oversight in these situations to bring a suit with the Trump Administration in control, or the statute of limitations hasn’t run by the time a new administration has taken over and they aren’t peddling the “healing” excuse to go avoid

A private jet. The irony would be that to travel they would have to break it down and freight it which would probably cost less than flying it.

Now playing

There are only two occasions a man should be wearing pants.

There was always access to emergency treatment, at least for as long as any of us have been alive. I’m not sure as to the mechanism, but emergency care facilities weren’t/aren’t allowed to refuse patients. The problem was what constituted an emergency and what would happen to you financially afterwards.

This shouldn’t anger me as much as it does in the grand scheme of things, but JFC it does. It’s so encompassing of why he’s a piece of shit.