
I have an entire folder on my computer of pepper pics from the last eight years.

Not it.

I put them on every night before I fall asleep so that I don’t ever miss them.



I took it more as she was uncomfortable in the body that society put her in and more comfortable in the body she ends with.

Did I just like something Drake did?

Jelz. My doctor left his practice and I’ve been doctorless for a few months which means I’ve been birth controlless... and lazy.

Samesies. Grateful to have been an only child growing up, terrified of being one as an adult. On top of not having sibling help, I have two sets of parents that I have no idea what to do with when they get too old.

It sucks more when you only have one parent so you don’t even go on them.

Too bad we can’t buy men’s tampons. I’m sure they would be cheaper too.

What is this corer you speak of and why have I never heard of it?

Sometime I don’t feel like burning/cutting all my fingers cutting pineapple.

Please text him right now with, “So, are you on your way or?”

I can’t wait to listen to this one. My friends “hire” me all the time to help them unpack, unclutter, and decide what goes where. I sent photos of my befores and afters to my current job and it’s why they hired me.

Could you add this to the article or un-gray this please? Thank you.

“...and I love experimenting.”

He was one of my close friend’s friend. His wife said, “If there was ever a way to go, this is how Carl would want to go.” :(