
I logged into mine this week to grab an old photo. I can’t believe I remembered the log in. It was like muscle memory which then made me real sad.

Also in my top five episodes.

Correct answer: Wally.


I have been paying my student loans for over seven years now and I’m terrified to know what I’ve really been paying. I logged in and looked for the first time ever this year and none of it made sense.

The illustration gave me flashbacks from working retail for ten years and stepping on the hard tag pins on a weekly basis.


It’s true. I’m listening to it right now. But she still sound so good.

Trying to do the same thing with just! Def agree with the unsure part of it. I felt like I was sounding so not confident, which I’m not. So, baby steps.

Ed, that is just a Simpsons quote. I tweet Simpsons quotes all the time, big whoop.

That’s how I feel about that Ramen. Not sure why I capitalized that but it’s important enough.

Oh from 4th-5th grade I was “Matt” or “Derek”. No reason, no care. (I’m not a boy.)

No No, blue shorts, blue shirt, flip flops. He’s right behind her when he asks and he just loses his shit turning me into Niagara Falls.

Their friend in the blue made me tear up at how ecstatic he was for them.

What’s wrong with me if I can go an entire day not drinking anything? I know it’s not good for me but I rarely get thirsty. It’s really hard for me to drink water so I tend to go for the carbonated waters. I find that I force myself to drink anything. I thought I was a weirdo but then recently learned my mom is the

I had a friend that I ended up living with six years after meeting her. We lived together for five years because we dated the two guys that were already sharing a house. She wanted us to be best friends so so badly. If I didn’t invite her to what I was doing I would get a serious talk about how she thought I hated

My first thought was Friends. And I love it.

Samesies. :(