
You were the first whom I discovered "grossing" over that smooch. πŸ‘ 😏

Thanks, your post enlightened me with so much sci-fi knowledge. 😊 So I'm guessing it's just an 'encyclopedic'/informative post than anything else…?? πŸ˜•

You're so great at making-up* quotes!!! πŸ˜‚

Sentiments-echoed! If they've planned to kill him anyways, then at least give him back his original-position for few episodes, at least. He hasn't done the irreparable-damage, after all. πŸ™„

OK, but I had mixed-emotions*, overall. 😊

Well, how would Mr "Captain" would realise his fantasy, then? πŸ˜‰

Thank You A Ton for summarily saying what I would've wished-for had I known. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ For that matter, Thanks for revealing so much information about their equation in the shortest-manner possible. πŸ‘ 😊

Whatever you say, I opine their conversation before that smooch and the relevant-conversation afterwards didn't made it look like a "fan-service" (though I also that thought a shot). Respectfully speaking, you seem to be missing @The Waltmobile's point here, Dear. πŸ™

But then another logical-question arises, how she "enjoyed it" at first place?? Is she programmed to [occasionally] lie, too?* πŸ˜•


Yes please, though albeit not permanently since this series ain't comedy. 😊

Is the last para[graph] a complaint or compliment (no intentional-rhyming)?? πŸ˜•

β€œI'm […] now forced to wonder if Gideon is going to be given an androids body”: Ditto on that! Though I don't want her/it to be completely humanised, since that would add more to the *M––S* these *real* humans are having. I'm perfectly okay with them having a romance and others accepting it, but it shouldn't be made…

Bang-on!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

But they did [surprised you], no?? 😏

"Super-Like" specially because of first-para[graph]. Couldn't Agree More! πŸ‘ 😊

Come-on…!!! I think Rip's "groping" 'The Human Gideon' wasn't that bad[-thing], either (given the issues the show have touched-upon, especially those pertaining to sexuality). Frankly, I'm into such stuff as I'm not a "fan"[atic]-types but that smooch was as equally as *hot* as being weird (given who Gideon is). And I…

Any issues? πŸ˜‰