

i5 with 6GB. You'll probably never even reach 6GB of RAM usage, let alone 8. An average user rarely even hits the 3GB mark. The faster processor will help with loading programs and crap like Flash.

The problem here will be drivers. I don't know if Android supports USB-to-ethernet. If you happen to have Debian/Ubuntu installed on the side you could probably use that without driver issues.

Can we have a torrent or video mirror for the Lifehacker Night School? Trying to learn something like painting is terrible on YouTube on DSL.

What ahbi said: check Bluetooth on the phone and Bluetooth devices. Also check wireless mice, those might also be on the 2.4GHz band. If possible, set the router to prefer 5GHz N connections.

Holy crap, 60 Safari vulns were patched in preparation for pwn2own. Apple needs to step up their game.

My solution would be an Android tablet running chroot'd Linux. VNC into Linux when you want desktop applications. Bluetooth mouse and keyboard take care of hardware (or physical mouse/keyboard once USB host-mode drivers come out).

I'm a little bit sad that it didn't take longer, I would have liked to follow development logs. This looks like it's going to be a long company vs hackers battle, but this time the cart clones will die swiftly leaving only the crack devs with working carts. At least I have that to look forward to.

Heck yeah. The homebrew on DS is amazing and emulators are great. Plus it's easier to keep games on one SD card instead of multiple cartridges. The only reason I plan on getting a 3DS is because Supercard is making flash carts, and a Supercard cart means built-in processor which means GBA emus!


Yes, OpeniBoot, but as far as I know it's only on 1st and 3rd gen.

This malware uses a previous local root exploit to get root access, the "rageagainstthecage" root method.

So it's like the of subtitles?

I guess there are more chemicals than I thought. Do you know what foods (or what type of foods) she doesn't like?

I love doing this. Google Voice over wifi is the sweetest.

Oh neat, I always mixed "disk" and "disc" up. Now I know.

You could also get some broccoli and do the same test :)

"Supertasters", as the article calls them, taste a certain chemical in foods that is extremely bitters. Simple test: do you like broccoli? If you don't like broccoli then you are tasting that bitter chemical. If you do like (or don't mind) broccoli then you lack that taste receptor.

What are you talking about? He said that computers have reached a point where the specs don't matter for normal usage because they're all powerful enough, even the older ones. You're talking about cost value, and failing at it.

Apps designed for high-end phones (like emulators) are probably sweet on a Xoom.