
So then that wasn't a particularly brave thing to say, was it? The "yeah, I said it" just kind of hangs there limp. You may as well have said "I like maple syrup... there, I said it." There's more to trolling than feeling ways about things. Come back when you're really ready to provoke.

I believe the correct spelling is now "A22-Eating Gossip."

I'll pretend you didn't say that you cynical bastard you!

I was afraid to open this article for fear of seeing some victim blaming idiodic tweet from an NFL player. Glad that's not what it was. At least 1 NFL Player has shit figured out.

Don't hold back man, tell us how you really feel!

No shit, right? These guys should go to jail, do there time, and get to go back to work (on parole). That's the way the system is supposed to work.

Holy shit you weren't joking.

Elisabeth Hasselback already did that this week...

surprised Sean Hannity didn't also tie in Benghazi.

As someone who deals with or at least sees this problem more than most, is there reason to be hopeful that attention of this magnitude could be beneficial? Everyone know DV exists and is a terrible problem, but no matter how the NFL mismanaged this (that very mismanagement could even be a boon to the cause) having

Of course they want to get it right. If they don't, Adrian Peterson will beat the ever loving shit out of them.

Roger Goodell is following the American corporate "cultural tradition" of barricading himself in his office and having minions answer for his mistakes until the shitstorm blows over.

Roger needs to find just the right Bible passage.

Jeez, Roger, does it take that long to compose a letter of resignation?

My sister-in-law and her husband have 3 teenage boys who are remarkably well behaved. I mean, they have their moments like all boys but overall they seem like great kids. Their secrets are consistency and always presenting a united front. They always follow through with a threat. In contrast, I remember once taking

I think that every great exchange of ideas starts with a "Please STFU."

No, you defended Peterson. I quoted exactly what you said.

Half the world thinks evolution is a myth. Many people can be very wrong.

Yeah and most of the world is full of stupid poor uneducated people, like you, who don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.

You clearly don't have kids.