
“Oh Shit. I must’ve mixed up the bags. The Ambian one with the Cocaine. Marsha is going to be pissed at me.....”

Lutz is a terrible, conniving, yet dumb human being, and has been a for a long time. It was so obvious for years. It’s the incompetence and failure of the press to do their job, and actually dig into what these pollsters were doing, that they were using for news, that was the real problem here.  

Why would Deadspin not talk about The LeBatard Show who had wall to wall coverage on this.  DLS has a million listeners today, and could be an easy fit with Deadspin. What the eff is wrong with Deadspin right now. Do you not even realize what this site is? Terrible management right now.

Anyone who Wakes and Takes

Why did this take so long for this to get on Deadspin. This dropped 24 hours ago. Has Deadspin been bought out by ESPN? ESPN used to be Deadspin’s main beat. What has happened to this site?

The blood was fake.

Where’s the “fraud” mix by the Lebatard show with Sid Seixeiro when you need it.

Fuck ‘em.

Dan likes him, because his jarringly honest, and an interesting interview. And he’s one of the few people on the show that can go toe to toe with Dan intellectually, but doesn’t take himself too seriously, and can be hilariously self-effacing. As dispicable a human Samson can be, he does make for a very compelling

People forget that Chicago was a bad team last year, even with a good defense. So the Raiders probably though all the picks would be in the top half of the draft, not in the bottom third, which changes the offer significantly, especially when we’re talking about the first rounders. And considering The Raiders are so

I hope this won’t stop Papi for getting calls from Fred on the Banana-Bat phone.

Gee, I came down to the comment section expecting some good congressional sex stories. Anybody else disappointed?

Poor Nathan Peterman. With his amazing practice skills, he could have been the Chase Daniels of his generation, and made 10's of millions as the perfect backup, maybe getting a spot start every few years. Instead, Sean McDermott had to start him over Tyrod Taylor in a playoff run during his rookie season, completely

It’s called the 6 year old nephew strategy.

Na, you’re normal. It’s obvious there is something wrong with the Rodgers family. Very wrong.

As a social worker, the Rogers family members are acting like many who abuse their kids. They agitate and say how wronged they are, just as a way to get the other party to avoid thinking about them, and talking to others openly. It also serves as a defense if the abused speak out.

I feel like Drew Brees could end up President of the United States if he really wanted it.

Trent Dilfer’s “kids get off my lawn” tweets, LOL.

You can add Scott Van Pelt to that list, sickeningly. His constant insistence that the program was doing great and important and had done nothing wrong, well before the official report was finished, made me lose total respect for him. He needs to be burned for this, too. 

Ty had switched roles from wide receiver to running back and kick returner for the benefit of the team, and hurting his own chances of developing as a wide receiver and making big money. He should have had a lot more leeway than Crosby.